

Ukraine – Yatsenyuk resigns amidst pressures exerted by IMF

Collapse of Ukraine Government: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures Exerted by the IMF By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, July 24, 2014 Region: Russia and FSU Theme: Global Economy, Poverty & Social Inequality Global  Research, July 24, 2014 Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his…

Gross violation of press freedom in Bulgaria

Newsletter Gross violation of press freedom in Bulgaria | #FreeMediaRace Just now our campaign manager in Bulgaria, Rosen Dimov, told me, quote, “above all this European Citizens Initiative is about building a transnational civil society”, and I honestly couldn’t agree…

‘No way out for Greece while the same policies of austerity are implemented’

By Russia Today* (RT), 20 July 2014 – Greece has become a social experiment for the implementation of the most extreme neo-liberalism aimed at not contaminating the eurozone during the first period of the crisis, with the same policies being followed now,…

Elite Insanity on Display in Ukraine

By Robert J. Burrowes* For those of us interested in understanding what is driving the conflict in Ukraine, now seriously complicated by the shooting down of a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet – which has raised the potential of the conflict…

UK: On TTIP and the NHS, they are trying to bamboozle us

By John Hilary 14 July 2014, for Open Democracy The TTIP trade treaty talks re-open in Brussels this week. We should not be reassured by the convenient ‘leak’ of a private letter between key TTIP advocates claiming the treaty poses…

EU: A union for big banks

Published by the Corporate Europe Observatory in January 2014 We reproduce here the Conclusions of this exhaustive study into the new EU “Banking Union”. The original can be read here Though the banking union is an ambitious project, it is…

Encounters with the Profound: Photographic Exhibition and Books Presentation

London: An Exhibition of Photographs and Words: “…translations of experiences of contact with hidden internal dimensions whose depth cannot be captured by the categories of space-time in which we believe we live. In particular circumstances these experiences become accessible manifesting…

Ban neonicotinoids now – to avert another silent spring

This pesticide is destroying life across the natural world: the evidence cannot be denied. Only a global moratorium will stop it George Monbiot, The Guardian, Tuesday 15 July 2014 Here’s our choice. We wait and see if a class of…

In UK, big-labor strikes and low-wage struggles jockey for future

Decca Muldowney,  July 12, 2014 for Waging Nonviolence On July 10, 2014, hundreds of thousands of public sector workers across the United Kingdom — including firefighters, teachers, civil servants, National Health Service staff and local government workers — went on strike…

UK: 1000 At the TTIP protest but no mainstream Media Coverage!

The protest against The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) started at the Business Innovations Services (BIS) at 1 Victoria street where about 1000 gathered on the pavement. Organisers then guided the crowd to march through the Westminster area which…

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