

First “Academy on the Green Economy” Kicks off in Turin, Italy

Human Wrongs Watch Turin, Italy, 6 October 2014 , (ILO)* – More than 120 participants from over 20 countries gather at the ILO International Training Centre for a two-day policy forum and knowledge fair on the green economy. The event marks…

Two Main Routes of Smuggling of Migrants Generate $7 Billion a Year to Criminal Groups

  Human Wrongs Watch The two main routes of smuggling of migrants to Europe and North America generate nearly $7 billion a year to the smuggling networks, according to an estimate on 6 October 2014 released by the United Nations…

Our bullying corporations are the new enemy within

The demands of business dominate our politicians and embed inequality. It’s a full-blown assault on democracy By George Monbiot for The Guardian The more power you possess, the more insecure you feel. The paranoia of power drives people towards absolutism. But it…

Occupy London opens discussions at Occupy Democracy

By Occupy London The Democracy Working Group of Occupy London is planning open meetings at Parliament Square, opposite the Parliament Building: “The governement’s imposition of austerity has no democratic mandate. Nobody voted for: NHS Privatisation Tripling of tuition fees Bedroom…

#noTTIP: European Day of Action

By NoTTIP The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a so-called ‘free trade’ deal currently being negotiated by the EU and US. This deal will give big business more power over our society, our environment, our public services, and…

Refugees Perish at “Alarming” Rate on Dangerous Crossing to Europe – UN

  Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations refugee agency on 2 October 2014 reported that new data on irregular crossings of the Mediterranean in the third quarter of 2013 show an alarming increase in the numbers of people perishing while…

“It’s the Devil’s Excrement” – Where Fossil Fuels Lurk, Corruption Creeps

Human Wrongs Watch By Marina Lou* – 29 September, 2014, Greenpeace – When it comes to resource extraction and the political process — the issue is a global one. Have a look at some of the recent coal-ruption stories that have been breaking all around the…

Fracking for Shale Gas: The new mortgage bubble?

Research carried out by the Washington’s blog collecting statements from articles from reputable publications suggest that fracking, the controversial method of extracting gas by breaking rocks and injecting large amounts of water and chemicals to displace gas, may be not…

If we had to pay the bill to nature, what would food waste cost us?

Human Wrongs Watch The full economic, environmental and social costs of food waste amount to approximately 2.6 trillion US dollars annually, according to UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).         Each year, 30 percent of global food production is…

Europe Must Help Combat Hunger, Malnutrition — Failure Will Only Boost Migration, Stoke Conflicts

  Human Wrongs Watch European governments must help combat hunger and malnutrition on a global level, as failure to do so will only boost migration flows and stoke conflicts,FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. “Food insecurity and conflict go hand in…

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