

Swedish Court Rejects Assange Appeal, but Prods Prosecutor to Resolve Standoff

A Swedish court has rejected an appeal of the arrest warrant that’s kept WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange confined in Ecuador’s London Embassy for over two years. Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning on allegations of sexual misconduct, though no…

Speaking with forked tongues can win you an election

What better allegory than the Native Americans’ to describe Orwell’s “double speak” or the semantic violence of those who steal the discourse of the opposite view to increase their appeal amongst those who normally would not agree with or vote…

Leaked documents on TTIP and Banking regulations

We have already heard a lot about the TTIP toxic effects for the economy, lowering of standards for regulations about the environment, health and safety as well as the looming privatisation of public services, in particular Health Services, with governments…

Growth: the destructive god that can never be appeased

The blind pursuit of economic expansion stokes a cycle of financial crisis, and is wrecking our world. Time for an alternative By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 18 November 2014 Another crash is coming. We all know it, now…

Right Livelihood Award 2014, Ceremony and programme

At the end of next week, the Recipients of the 2014 Right Livelihood Award will come to Stockholm for the award programme and to accept their awards in the Swedish Parliament on December 1st. The 2014 Laureates coming to Stockholm are: Alan Rusbridger,…

Thousands at anti-corruption protest in Budapest

Anti-corruption protests took place in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, tonight following Prime Minister, Viktor Orban’s refusal to dismiss the head of the tax authority, Ildiko Vida, who has been accused of having ties to corruption by the US government’s refusal…

Podemos Leader Advocates for People’s Alliance against Spanish Right

Madrid, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the newly established Spanish party Podemos (We can), Pablo Iglesias, recommended today the people”s alliances, rather than the political organizations, to remove the right wing from the power in the general elections…

Russell Brand on Revolution, Fighting Inequality, Addiction, Militarized Policing & Noam Chomsky

For years Russell Brand has been one of Britain’s most popular comedians, but over the past 12 months he has also emerged as a leading voice of Britain’s political left. He has taken part in anti-austerity protests, spoken at Occupy…

Interstellar: magnificent film, insane fantasy

Movies about abandoning Earth reflect the political defeatism of our age: that adapting to climate breakdown is preferable to stopping it By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 11 November 2014 “It’s like we’ve forgotten who we are,” the hero…

Coping With the Loss of a Close Enemy

Perestroika as a Challenge to the West By Jan Oberg Written April 1990 1. Four hypotheses The West has lost a close enemy, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Which reactions can be discerned and what psycho-political emotions are they…

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