

“We Are All Charlie” – but is that story so simple?

Eleven points as a reflection on the terror in Paris and – not the least – the reactions to it*: By Jan Oberg 1. What was this an attack on? Was that attack an attack on freedom of speech as…

Who’s to blame for the downing of MH-17 over Ukraine?

The question who shot down the Malaysian Airlines plane en-route to the far east from Holland on the 17th of July is a question that has yet to be answered.  Despite the black boxes having been sent to the UK,…

“Pecunia non olet”, or money doesn’t smell.

Only two days have gone by since the terrorist attacks in Paris and already you can buy on-line t-shirts, bags, perfumes, hats and other things with the slogan “Je suis Charlie”. At the same time the prices for past issues…

Who’s the terrorist?

The image of the events of 11th of January in Paris have provoked two opposing reactions: on the one hand I am greatly moved by the number of ordinary people who want to make a statement, with their presence, about…

RWB condemns presence of “predators” in Paris march, calls for solidarity with “all Charlies”

Reporters Without Borders welcomes the participation of many foreign leaders in today’s march in Paris in homage to the victims of last week’s terror attacks and in defence of the French republic’s values, but is outraged by the presence of…

A call to the people: nonviolence is the only way out!

After the recent and sad events in Paris, Convergence of Cultures would once again like to make a call to the world’s population to protect human values beyond all differences. This is a call to preserve and strengthen what has…

Spain’s Moroccan Enclave: The Story Behind the Picture

Human Wrongs Watch Nador, Morocco, 9 January 2015 (IRIN)* – Late last year an image went viral. In it two golfers, dressed in white on lush green fairways, appear oblivious as in the background around a dozen migrants try to scale…

Today more than ever, nonviolence must triumph

I live in Paris, more precisely in Seine-Saint-Denis in an adjacent suburb (you may know this area which is often talked about, as it “burns” regularly) and like all here, since the massacre that took place in the premises of…

Je suis Charlie – but I have other names as well

Victor Grossman – Berlin Bulletin No. 82, January 9, 2015 (revised corrected version January 10) Monday evening I had planned to write about the PEGIDA movement in Germany. Although in Dresden, their city of origin, the number of bitter marchers…

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