

Fairness and the commons, interview with Enric Duran

Here we present a CommonsTransition interview with Enric Duran. Prior to co-founding the Catalan Integral Cooperative — a Commons Transition partner project creating a cooperative, self managed public system in Catalonia — Duran became famous for his 2008 “bank action”,…

Occupy Democracy back in Parliament Square, London

On Saturday, Occupy Democracy will return to Parliament Square to highlight corporate influence over government foreign policy including arms sales, war and nuclear weapons The January occupation will link up with CND Wrap Up Trident action at the MoD Occupy…

Adaptive Society by Ross Milburn – a review

Londoner Ross Milburn, an IT writer now living in Hong Kong, introduces his book Adaptive Society as follows: “The horror of war set me on a lifelong quest to discover why human government is so bad, in spite of the…

Peculiarities of the Russian national character

Recent events, such as the overthrow of the government in Ukraine, the secession of Crimea and its decision to join the Russian Federation, the subsequent military campaign against civilians in Eastern Ukraine, western sanctions against Russia, and, most recently, the…

Good news: the Stop TTIP a campaign marches on

THE SELF-ORGANISED EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE AGAINST TTIP AND CETA has reached over 1,200,000 signatures. You can see the interactive map with signatures by country HERE In spite of having very little press and apparently a very low profile as far as…

The real reason Bibi wants French Jews to move to Israel

By calling on France’s Jews to move to Israel, Netanyahu is promoting a worldview in which there is no national conflict, no occupation and no Palestinian people. There are only Jews and radical Muslims.  The terror attacks in France have caused Netanyahu…

London Mayor spends £250,000 supressing peaceful protests

Freedom of Information requests to Boris Johnson’s Greater London Authority and Metropolitan Police reveal that the Mayor spent nearly £250,000 [1] in October trying to prevent peaceful pro-democracy protesters [2] from protesting in Parliament Square. The documents also revealed that…

We are NOT Charlie Hebdo!

Neither do we condone the bombings and murder of journalists at their headquarters, however much we are repulsed by their racist, chauvinist and hateful Islamophobic caricatures of oppressed people. Neither do we condone the subsequent murders at the Paris Kosher…

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Contribution by Dave Anderson MP in Debate on TTIP, 15 January 2015 3.10pm Mr David Anderson (Blaydon [on-Tyne, UK]) (Lab): I support fair trade, but properly regulated trade. Countries that trade are less likely to end up fighting each other.…

Germany’s Muslims Unite in Solidarity with France After Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Human Wrongs Watch 12 January 2015 (RT)* — A union of Turkish imams has announced that it will organize demonstrations in front of various media organizations across Germany in solidarity with France after the deadly attack at Charlie Hebdo’s office…

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