

Winds of change in Greece

A week is a long time in politics, as the saying goes, and never was this more clearly illustrated than in Greece over the last seven days. One week ago, a country with no self-esteem was on its knees begging…

The human being as the central value: a Latin-American prescription for Europe

The obstinacy of stock-market gurus and their prescriptions for the economic health of different countries are contradicted by the efficacy of the treatment in their populations. The illness of hunger, endemic now for a long time, unemployment, housing instability and…

Greece refuses to recognise the hated troika any longer

The new Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis announced today that the government would not be dealing any more with appointed delegates of the “troika” (the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission) who are seen as responsible for…

What ‘austerity’ has done to Greek healthcare

This week a number of mayor hospitals in the UK have refused to sign this year’s budget offered by the Government on the grounds that the draconian cuts will indeed put the lives of patients at risk. Nothing more opportune,…

Spain court charges 78 bank officials for misusing credit cards

A Spanish court has charged 78 senior bank officials for misusing credit cards for their personal use. On Wednesday, Jude Fernando Andreu of Spain’s National Court charged the former bosses, executives, and board members of the country’s two renowned banks,…

Greek PM halts privatization, markets tumble

Greek Prime Minster Alexis Tsipras has openly challenged international creditors by stopping privatization plans agreed upon under the country’s bailout deal. During his first meeting with cabinet members on Wednesday, Tsipras said that they could not disappoint voters already battered…


Call to Action – P5 in London From Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK Dear friends, I am writing to ask you to support the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and take part in a symbolic global action:…

Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) fortells on Syriza

Today, across Europe, the left is excited by Syriza topping the polls in the Greek election. Some on the left have gone so far as to suggest the election itself will mark the end of austerity policies, in the terminology…

Greek voters reignite the flame of Democracy

From A World to Win Blog The stunning victory of the anti-austerity Syriza in the Greek general election deepens the existing political crisis in Europe and throws into sharp relief the reactionary policies of Labour and other mainstream parties in…

Carnival of incompetence – or, how nobody knows how to privatise a health service well

Carl Walker 23 January 2015 Recent experiences show no-one knows how to privatise bits of the English Health Service without damaging the parts – like A&E – that are left behind. William Goldman, the famous Hollywood screenwriter once said about motion…

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