

Learn conflict and peace in 20 minutes

The world is full of unnecessary violence and human suffering. Do you know anyone who’d like it to continue like that?   If we educate ourselves and look outside the box, we can create a better world for all. Peace and…

Blackstone: “you are not untouchable” (video)

Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca or PAH – Platform for People Affected by Mortgages is a Spanish grassroots organization that takes direct action to stop evictions and campaigns for housing rights.  PAH was set up in Barcelona in February…

UK, Do not believe the false reassurance about NHS privatisation

By JACKY DAVIS 12 February 2015 for OpenDemocracy, Our NHS Even as they belatedly criticise the government’s health ‘reforms’, think tanks like the Kings Fund are making one fundamental error. The Kings Fund has at last criticised the government’s NHS…

Katerina Sergidou (Syriza): “We need the support of people from Spain and the whole of Europe”

Katerina Sergidou, secretary of the coordination committee of Syriza in Athens, is currently in Spain to support the launch of the manifesto “For the change in Greece”.  “If he’s a star that says no to the troika, then he’s welcome,”…

Occupy Democracy back in Parliament Square

This Valentine’s weekend, occupy democracy will return to Parliament Square to mourn democracy’s death with a vigil for Nelson Mandela. Mandela’s statue was placed behind bars when ‘Tarpaulin Square’ was fenced off during some of our previous assemblies – in…

Pouring Gas on the Ukrainian Fire

There appears to be almost no serious objections being raised against the loud voices now calling for the US to send large quantities of weapons to Ukraine.  It is not just John McCain demanding that Obama OK massive arms shipments…

East Ukraine ceasefire to start February 15: Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin says a ceasefire between warring Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine will take effect within the next few days. Speaking to reporters on Thursday following marathon talks in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, the…

Ukraine – no to weapons against “rebel attacks”

Lately the talking points for sending unlimited military aid to Ukraine, sorry for sending “defensive weapons” to Ukraine (what are defensive weapons, rockets and tanks that only point in one direction?), has been because they are needed to “protect Ukraine…

Ukraine – caught between two outsides

Much of the American media (and many of us in general) see the Ukraine in terms of the old Soviet Union, either leaping to a defense of Russia or to total hostility to it (as if we are re-fighting the…

Stand With The People Of Greece

Dear Friends of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy,        We’re writing to urge you to attend this critical Greece solidarity event, which CPD is co-sponsoring:       Wednesday, February 11 at 6 p.m. DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO THE UNITED…

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