

Greece’s choice: save the people or the banks?

The recent rise to power of the left wing party Syriza with Tsipras as Prime Minister has renewed expectations about the paths that the country can take to resolve her crisis. Tsipras’s promise to put an end to the extreme…

Austria: Racist law approved to restrict Muslim freedoms

In a decision that the Minister for Integration, Sebastian Kurz, called a “milestone” and that opponents denounced as racist and unfair, the new law: prohibits mosques from receiving foreign financing; demands that religious teaching be done in German; and makes…

Germany: poverty hits record high since reunification

Poverty has hit a record high in Germany in the post-reunification era, results of a new survey show. According to a study conducted by Germany’s Equal Welfare Association, results of which were published Thursday, more than 12 million Germans were classed…

But the problem for Greece is not the Debt!

On one hand, there is the drama of the Greek people who find their saviour in Syriza; on the other hand, there is a farce between the latter and the rest of the EU, which swings from the serious to…

Greece wins approval from Eurogroup, but seriously, what was the big fight between Varoufakis and Schäuble all about?

On Friday, after days of intense and difficult negotiations, Greece and the Eurogroup were able to approve an agreement covering the next four months. Whereas Greece wanted to call the deal “bridging finance”, the Eurogroup insisted on calling it a…

People over markets

By Marianella Kloka*. We have almost had a month of coalition government since the elections of the 25th of January. There is no doubt that throughout this period we have heard things that the majority of Greeks wanted to hear,…

Swimming with the sharks

OpEdNews ran an article which introduced how massive – educational in this case – debt was accumulated by the likes of Goldman Sachs derivatives but only as way to highlight how one US state avoided same, whereas the others were…

Letter from UK citizens to the Argentine Embassy in London

London, 21 February- The Argentina Embassy in London has received from a wide range of personalities from various sectors in the UK – journalists, politicians, intellectuals and union leaders, as well as local activists – a statement regarding solidarity with…

Greece edges closer to an exit from the Euro as Germany gets ready to push

The game currently being played by members of the Eurozone to see who will change position first is coming into its final days. Greece is asking for time to come up with a new plan and to receive financing to…

Old woodblock printing in the new age

Pine Feroda is a woodblock print collaboration from North Devon and the collective name used by the five artists working together there in South West England to make large scale, dramatic woodblock prints. The collective was formed in November 2013 as…

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