

UK election – A broken system: seats don’t match votes

In May 2015, the UK held a general election and returned a majority government for the Conservative Party despite the fact that it received no where near a majority of support from the electorate. The Electoral Reform Society is an…

Greenpeace releases confidential IAEA Fukushima-Daiichi accident report

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors meets on June the 8th to discuss its confidential Fukushima-Daiichi Accident Summary Report. The report describes itself as ‘an assessment of the causes and consequences of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi…

Anti-Gypsyism Must Be Eradicated

Mr. Zeljko Jovanovic is director of the Roma Initiatives Office (RIO), which aims to strengthen the voices and leadership of Roma with respect to improving public policies and services in Europe. In the past few months, he has been actively advocating…

First March for sharing  to make known overwhelming numbers

Press release Nobody ignores  anymore that  only 1.6 billion people are living in dire poverty in the world, according to a recent study by the Oxford poverty and human development initiative. Nobody ignores   anymore  that more than 1 billion people…

The Pre-charge Punishment of Julian Assange

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan Tucked away on a side street in one of London’s toniest neighborhoods, just across the street from the sprawling department store Harrods, sits a brick, Victorian-era apartment building that houses the Ecuadorean Embassy. Julian…

New UK energy policy needed as nuclear giants take a hit

Plans for a worldwide fleet of huge new nuclear reactors have collapsed, with the cancellation of a major project and no new orders being placed. By Paul Brown The European nuclear industry, led by France, seems to be in terminal…

Resistance front for Armenian orphanage in Tuzla

PRESS BULLETIN 28.05.2015   KAMP ARMEN’S TITLE DEED HAS NOT BEEN RETURNED  Kamp Armen Solidarity Initiative has been on the watch for 23 days against the demolition of the Armenian orphanage in Tuzla “Kamp Armen”, demanding the orphanage’s return to…

Park of study and reflection inaugurated in Hungary

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2015 more than 500 people gathered from all over the world to witness the official inauguration of the gate, hall and stele of Mikebuda Park of Study and Reflection in Hungary.  The small…

Truly a nation of equals

We publish here in full the final press statement of the Yes Campaign in the Irish referendum for same-sex marriage. Today, we are more truly a nation of equals. The people of Ireland have exercised their Constitutional right and by…

Humanist Party, Spain, again enters the political fray

“Nothing above the Human Being and no Human Being above another” Humanist Party (HP) Spain: The Election Campaign begins with the slogan: “Nothing above the Human Being and no Human Being above another”. Again – since it was founded in…

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