

Cruelty begets more cruelty, and it can only be eliminated through compassion and solidarity

The Troika has been cruel on Greece, and in spite of the resounding NO, OXI, NEIN, of the people, the controlled implosion of the country, planned every now and then to allow Big Capital to grab more assets, including human…

Greek Referendum: the possibility to stop being slaves

Foreign debt is the mechanism used to enslave countries and steal their wealth, through some local “supervisors”, let’s call them governors. In reality, with little energy spent buying, removing and putting in place supervisors, they have controlled the population of…

Greek Finance minister resigns “wearing the creditors’ loathing with pride”

This morning Yanis Varoufakis announced on his blog that he would be “Minister No More”. The short text explained that: “Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants,…

Towards the #Greferendum: Orange is the colour of inspiration

In dramatic and unexpected scenes last night, Greece gave a resounding OXI (NO) to the austerity measures imposed by the country’s credtors.  Here our correspondent Marianella Kloka gives her reflections on what has been an astouding night, and what it…

Greece, take a deep breath, be brave and vote OXI!

Dear friends in Greece, I know that this message comes late. You will already be voting by the time it circulates but for those who read this before going to vote I hope it can be useful.  This request comes…

Debt and militarism: the Greek tragedy Europe prefers to keep quiet about

A particularly insightful opinion piece by Giles Fraser [1] for the Guardian reminds us that “In the 1980s, for example, the Greeks spent an average of 6.2% of their GDP on defence compared with a European average of 2.9%. In…

Milan: We are all Greek

A sign in the colours of the Greek flag around their necks “We are all Greeks”.Many Milanese expressed their solidarity with the plight of the Greek people and in favour of the “No” campaign in the referendum and against blackmail.…

‘No’ and ‘Yes’ bailout referendum rallies gather thousands in Athens

Two rival rallies took place in Athens on Friday. Police estimate that 25,000 came out to support the ‘No’ camp, which calls for the rejection of a new bailout deal with creditors in Sunday’s referendum, while 20,000 gathered to back…

Towards the #Greferendum: Smiles through the “keyhole” of the universe

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, something which is being portrayed in the mass media as a referendum on whether to stay in…

People of Berlin send a loud OXI to Athens

On the evening of Friday 3rd July, thousands of people gathered in Berlin for a demonstration under the slogan “Nein! Oxi! No! to austerity – Yes to Democracy!”. Organized by Blockupy Berlin, a broad section of the population and followers…

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