

“European Union hypocrisy must end”

The international humanist organisation World without Wars and Violence has issued this statement in regard to the refugee crisis currently affecting Europe. STATEMENT FOR THE MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ISSUE IN E.U. World without Wars and Violence, World Coordination Team. September…

“NATO is not the solution for security in the Baltic”

This weekend in a conference in Helsinki, Finland organised by the “No to war, no to NATO” campaign and hosted by peace and anti-war organisations from Sweden and Finland, a string of experts, diplomats and peace campaigners echoed the sentiment…

Boysan Yakar: “for us the Pride event is a co-organization, we try to leave everything aside”

I just heard the news of the death of Boysan Yakar and Zelis Deniz in a car accident from a friend with ties to Turkey, as do I. It was confirmed by this article on the Turkish LGBT rights website…

Think about all the Syrian refugees and think what makes you British?

Tat Wa Lay Facebook It’s 1984 and my mother arrives in the UK with 89 other Vietnamese refugees known as the “boat people”. With just the cloths on her back and her four children, she’s confronted with the local people…

UK Politics: Corbyn as leader would stop Cameron’s war plans

If for no other reason than this, registered UK Labour Party members and supporters eligible to vote in the party’s leadership election must vote for Jeremy Corbyn if they don’t want to see more use of British armed forces in…

Stranded at Budapest’s train station

Dispatches: Stranded in Budapest’s Train Station A Microcosm of the EU’s Failed Asylum Policies By Lydia Gall – Greenpeace “Why are they lying to us? Why did police tell me that the train will go to Germany when it will…

NATO wars to blame for refugee crisis in Europe: it’s time to dissolve this anachronism

Yesterday morning in Budapest I was at a sports club where I often go, moving my body to combat the effects of time, and as I came out I heard the sound of a police motorbike coming towards me with…

Greek crisis: countries compete to remove any kind of obstacle to capital accumulation

Antonis Broumas, from Greece, is an investigative lawyer and activist who works mainly on building bridges between law, technology and society.  He participates in social organisations in Greece which promote autonomy and the commons. Broumas was in Quito between the…

Anteos Chrisostomidis: the Greek intellectual of our age

“Literature, even the heavy, serious kind is addressed to a wider audience,” always stressed Anteos Chrisostomidis*. “Literature is a human creation and concerns everyone,” he insisted. I think however, that few people had the opportunity to talk with such important…

Leave fossil fuels in the ground, ending climate crimes

Climate Change and Nuclear Power: You Don’t Cure the Plague by Spreading Cholera. Nuclear Radiation is not the Solution to Global Warming By Jean-Marie Matagne Global Research, August 29, 2015 In the lead-up to COP21, a hundred French and international…

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