

European citizens self-survey

Euro-Survey will take place from the 1st to the 17th of October and will be promoted by EuroMarches2015 This citizens’ initiative consists of doing an opinion survey of European citizens during EuroMarches2015[1], in all European languages, about the 5 central…

Pro-nuclear politicians never studied what it means to have nuclear weapons

The debate about the future of the UK’s nuclear weapon arsenal is back in the news with the election of the new leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, an avowed anti-nuclear campaigner and someone who has held senior positions…

CND welcomes Corbyn’s unequivocal commitment to nuclear disarmament

CND welcomes Corbyn’s unequivocal commitment to nuclear disarmament CND has welcomed Jeremy Corbyn’s strong recommitment to nuclear disarmament, received with enormous applause, during his first leader’s speech to the Labour Party conference. The Labour leader also made clear that the…

How do we frame the rise of Jeremy Corbyn?

An Occupier’s Perspective How do we frame this? How do we put into context the vitriol and hatred directed at a new leader that seeks to represent the needs and desires of the people. What is of course astonishing is…

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe By Gavin Rabinowitz LESBOS, Greece (JTA) — As the small rubber dinghy crowded with Syrians and Afghans emerged from themidnight-black sea to land on a desolate pebble beach, the first people to…

Greek election result analysis: The thunderous silence

These Greek national elections have probably been the quietest in recent years with an “eloquent silence” of the electorate. Everyone should have expected this though after so many surprises and twists that have taken place in Greece in recent months.…

Spanish Unity: A sacred and indissoluble marriage “by the grace of God”?

In recent days we have heard President Obama calling for Spanish Unity, as if he were acting as a matchmaker or a marriage broker, just as in the past we heard the same from General Franco. And it’s true that…

The leading players in the Greek elections

The Greek people were asked yesterday to vote once more with the issue at stake being which political party or coalition can better implement the 3rd Memorandum. When we say better we mean the most painless possible way, if and…

Life in reunified Germany

If you cannot view this message correctly, please click here.     Discover life in reunited Germany On October 3, 1990 Germany celebrated reunification after being divided for decades. Starting today on DW’s websites, you’ll find many interesting stories and…

Migrants – The face of the EU

Article written by Neven Đenadija, translation by Stevo Marjanović exclusively for SouthFront First of all I have to say that the EU as we know it today, and because of which Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet are rolling in their…

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