

Spain and the USA agree to decontaminate Palomares, Andalucia

Spain and the United States today signed a declaration of intent to clean up the land around the town of Palomares, Spain, contaminated by the accidental dropping of nuclear weapons in an US Airforce accident in 1966. The document was…

Nuclear Deterrence: An ethical perspective – Catholic Church

  Nuclear Deterrence An Ethical Perspective A new publication from the Caritas in Veritate Foundation  The Caritas in Veritate Foundation is pleased to present our sixth working paper, wherein we explore the ethics of nuclear weapon possession and examine, in…

Film Review: Suffragette

The UK Suffragettes were activists in the British WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union), led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, seeking the right to vote for women through some nonviolent methods of protest such as hunger strikes, and other tactics…

We’re not as selfish as we think we are. Here’s the proof

Stories of greed and ego bombard us. But a new study shows that humans are inherently good George Monbiot for The Guardian Do you find yourself thrashing against the tide of human indifference and selfishness? Are you oppressed by the…

Stop Saudi Arabia!

STOP SAUDI ARABIA! Demonstration Oct. 15th, piazza del Campidgolio, 4-7 p.m. LET’S DEMONSTRATE EVERYWHERE, FOR A MONTH OF ACTION No War Network organizes a demonstration, Oct. 15th, Rome, piazza del Campidoglio, AGAINST THE SHAMEFUL REGIME STOP SAUDI BOMBINGS OF YEMEN!…

Montenegro Peace Movement protest “No to war – No to NATO”

To mark the occasion of the visit by NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, to the Balkan country, the Montenegro Peace Movement will hold a protest on Wednesday 14th October at 17:00 hours at the intersection between Belgrade Street and Risto…

Belarus elections neither free nor fair, despite lack of physical violence

Belarus presidential election: “Neither free nor fair, despite lack of violence” – UN rights expert GENEVA (13 October, 2015) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, today commended that protests against…

350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for 75 year old British man

Horror has been unleashed in the UK about the fate of a British man, Karl Andree, who has been sentenced to 350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for the crime of having home-made wine in his car boot.  He has already…

British Police withdraw permanent watch for Julian Assange

London, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) British police removed the permanent presence at the Embassy of Ecuador in this capital, where Australian Julian Assange takes refuge, but it stated ” it remains committed to executing the arrest warrant and presenting Julian…

‘Gay gene’ debunked? Environment influences sexuality

Biology alone doesn’t cause homosexuality, suggests new epigenetic research Vladimir Putin, Robert Mugabe, Pope Francis and other anti-gay world leaders may well rejoice at new scientific research that points to homosexuality as being significantly influenced by pre- and post-birth environmental…

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