

British veterans cast down their medals at Downing Street

“We cannot sow bloodshed and reap peace. I no longer require these medals.” A small group of British military veterans throw off their medals outside Downing Street in protest at the bombing in Syria. Channel 4 News – video of…

COP21- exclusion of human rights from draft text of Paris Agreement

Last night around 10 o’clock, the long-awaited new text of the Paris Climate Agreement was released. Something that fell like a drop of cold water was the complete exclusion of the mention of human rights from the operative text of…

Politicians in UK parliament said they were worried about TTIP

Dear members, Yesterday a rare thing happened. Politicians stood up in parliament and said they were worried about TTIP. [1] Peter Lilley, an influential Conservative MP (who was Trade Minister under Margaret Thatcher) said: “I am especially hostile to all…

Nobel Foundation taken to court on its Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel decided to give one fifth of his fortune for a prize to promote disarmament and resolution of all conflicts through negotiations and legal means, never through violence. It should go to “champions of peace” – to reducing or…

No to War! Call for Peaceful Nonviolent Resistance to UK’s Air Strikes against Syria

By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate* Human Wrongs Watch 7 December 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service – On 2nd December, 2015 the United Kingdom Parliament voted to bomb Syria and the world watched as British planes, equipped with the latest…

Four U.S. policies that have most offended the Russians

Very important to understand what’s going on today with Russia and the US!, says Alice Slater, as she shared a translation done by Sharon Tennison of the talk given by  Prof. Stephen Cohen (contributing editor to at the San…

UK bombing Syria in the light of International law

Arguments based on UN resolution 2249 in Prime Minister´s report on airstrikes in Syria: some clarifications needed By Nicolas Boeglin (*) A few days ago, Prime Minister David Cameron has appealed to Parliament Members to vote in favor of Royal Air…

UK approves bombing of Syria: ‘Loss of innocent lives is sadly almost inevitable’

Ahead of vote, Prime Minister David Cameron described Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘terrorist sympathizer’ for opposing bombing campaign by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Update (6:40 PM EDT): Following day-long debate, MP’s approve aistrikes for Syria Despite…

Jeremy Corbyn is not Marty McFly (but the Ayes have it)

The UK Parliament debates bombing Syria. The debate in the House of Commons is raging as we speak. Up to 20 % of Tory MPs may rebel against UK Prime Minister Cameron and vote against bombing Syria, whilst Labour has…

Insults instead of a clear strategy. Prime Minister Cameron v Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Not having managed to make a clear case for bombing Syria the UK Prime Minister resorts to insulting the leader of the opposition and others proposing a different strategy to defeat Isil by calling them “terrorist sympathisers” ahead of tomorrow’s…

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