

Capitalism will eat Democracy – unless we speak up

By Yanis Veroufakis for TED Democracy. In the West, we make a colossal mistake taking it for granted. We see democracy not as the most fragile of flowers that it really is, but we see it as part of our…

Denmark, Sweden and refugees

Part 4 or 4 Since people around the world are bewildered, I thought it would be helpful to offer one of many possible backgrounds – my own as a Danish-born citizen, peace researcher and observer living in Sweden. Here is the fourth…

European Governments Step Up Offensive against Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch By Marianne Arens* 28 January 2016 (WSWS) – At a meeting in Amsterdam this week, European interior and justice ministers sought to outdo each other with suggestions as to how the influx of desperate refugees from the Middle…

Denmark: Where there is a will, there is a way

Why is Denmark again in the limelight for the wrong things? As an interventionist, refugee-creating country why does it combine militarism with xenophobia and refugee-repelling laws? The new draconian laws can be seen as a peak point of changed Danish…

Nuclear weapons and nuclearism: abolish or be abolished

The nuclear age is an age of terror Nuclear weapons are the ultimate weapons of terror. You can’t use them without killing millions of innocent people. Targetting innocent people, people who are not part of a conflict, is a central…

Who profits from the refugee crisis?

By Arnie Alpert, Truthout | News Analysis – Monday, 11 January 2016 Wars and persecution have driven the number of refugees to record-breaking highs worldwide, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported in June 2015. Currently 59.5 million…

Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament

On January 28, the UN Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament (OEWG) will hold its first session in Geneva. The OEWG, open to all UN member states and to representatives of civil society, was established by the UN General…

Ramesh Jaura: Human Rights for all in an Equal World

Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. inteviews Ramesh Jaura, Director-General and Global Editor of the International Press Syndicate with headquarters in Berlin and associate headquarters in Tokyo and Toronto. Jaura is also co-founder and President of the Global Cooperation Council established in…

Djukanovic to be jailed after Montenegro joins NATO

My name is Ion Todescu. I’m Bucharest-based freelance journalist, worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2007-2013  and with leading Romanian newspapers e.g Adevarul etc. Now I’m the owner of well-known personal blog ( Today I’ve written an interesting piece…

Seven things the private healthcare insurance adverts won’t tell you

The NHS [UK National Health Service] financial crisis is being used by healthcare insurers to try and sell their products – but what are the risks? By PAUL HOBDAY 22 January 2016 for OpenDemocracy, Our NHS Like any big business the…

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