

France – Celebration & invitation

Dear Friends, Here are some dates… 8 May 1945. End of WW2 in Europe. Nazis defeated. 12 May 1944. I was born in Paris under German occupation.  My grandfather had been seriously wounded in the trenches of Verdun during World…

The bailouts were for the Banks

Study confirms rescue loans didn’t serve Greeks ‘The only reason why they effected this so-called bailout of Greece was to save their own banks and to present this as solidarity with Greece’ by Andrea Germanos, staff writer For Common Dreams…

UK local Elections, the Mayor of London and regional Assemblies.

The results are still coming in, the counting has not finished but some trends can be seen and the knives are already out to use the results to justify more dirty tricks campaigns. The Mayor of London election shows a…

UK slammed for plan forcing people to prove nationality

The British government has been criticized for a recent “discriminatory” bill that would make people show proof of their nationality or face prosecution. The government is proposing the bill to provide police and immigration officers across the UK with an authority to order arrested…

Pro-Corporate TTIP on the ropes as top French officials lambaste ‘Bad Deal’

At this stage, France says ‘No,’” says president François Hollande” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The corporate-influenced TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), exposed earlier this week as “an enormous corporate power grab,” looks increasingly precarious. French…

UK: Women protesters chain themselves to gates of Brimstone missile factory

by Syria Solidarity UK Sisters Against The Arms Trade are protesting today at the MBDA missile factory in the UK, closing its operations. MBDA are manufacturers of the Brimstone missile, a weapon which played a key role in David Cameron’s…

Interview Susan George: Direct consequences of signing the TTIP

Interview with Susan George, philosopher and political analyst. President of the Planning Committee of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. Former Vice President of ATTAC France. During her visit to Barcelona to attend the 4º Seminario de Convivencia Planetaria, Construimos Biocivilización,…

Drop the Just War theory and abolish nuclear weapons

The Just War theory has been around for centuries. Always used to justify a ‘just’ cause for which people – even innocent people in small countries – must be killed by big and strong countries – if at all they deemed it…

Turning a death economy into a life economy

Interview by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – My interview with bestseller author JOHN PERKINS. We have just translated an article about Panama Papers into German. ProMosaik is convinced that economists and writers like John Perkins have a lot to say…

Destroy and Privatise: the old strategy now used against the UK Health Service

The Junior Doctors are on strike, for the first time in history the National Health Service has a withdrawal of emergency services by Junior Doctors for 2 days, following the Government refusal to negotiate. Not about money, but about creating…

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