

Day of Actions against CETA in London

By Inka, NoTTIP TEXT AND IMAGES PROVIDED BY TIM FLITCROFT Monday May 16th saw Day of Actions Against CETA by anti TTIP activists who joined allies from across Atlantic to kickstart the campaign in the centre of London. Our message:…

Open letter to American soldiers from the Czech Republic

American military forces will cross the territory of the Czech Republic from May 27-30 in operation Saber Strike. The media are downplaying the event so as not to awaken the sensitivity in the Czech people that ended plans to build…

Protests intensify, spread across France as workers refuse submission

‘What we want today is for this movement to spread,’ says unionist. by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Amid ongoing blockades and intensifying clashes with police, protests against President François Hollande’s controversial set of labor reforms deepened on…

Young People – The Model doesn’t fit any more

By Mary Bolinbroke for Occupy London We live in a society that has spent many decades establishing a culture of pressures and materialistic milestones to push our kids into their future. Democracy built around corporations has neatly set up guidelines…

Anti-Frackers vow fierce resistance as UK goes back ‘Up for Shale’

North Yorkshire council’s “appalling” decision comes just days after UK celebrated five years “frack-free.” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Furious environmental campaigners vowed to fight back on Tuesday after councilors in North Yorkshire approved the UK’s first…

DiEM25 member Ken Loach wins Palme d’Or at Cannes

Lauded British director and DiEM25 member, Ken Loach, was awarded his second Palme d’Or last night at the Cannes Film Festival for I, Daniel Blake. The film, which portrays a disabled man’s struggle with England’s social welfare system, heralds Loach’s…

A new spirituality hand in hand with nonviolence

We can count ourselves lucky. The previous young revolution from the 1960s and ’70s divided those who believed in social/political change and others who felt spiritual/psychological change was more important. But there were also the new humanists who proposed both…

United States wants war with Russia

After provoking Russia for decades, the United States government has apparently concluded that the Russians are all saints and decided to escalate the provocations with confidence that nothing will go wrong, or go nuclear. Either that or the U.S. government…

Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP

PRESS RELEASE    ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP • Activists are climbed one of the towers known as the ‘Gateway to Europe’ to alert the treaty that…

Peace Sign in London

Londoners met yesterday May 14 to form a Peace Sign in Trafalgar Square and hear calls for Peace and Nonviolence from a number of organisations. Here is the speech I gave representing World without Wars and Violence as well as…

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