

Female circumcision – the worst anyone can do to a woman

The following is an interview with Fadumo Korn, chairwoman of the association Nala e.V., an interpreter in Munich, Germany and author of the brave book entitled “Geboren im großen Regen” (Born in the big rain). As a victim of FGM,…

Salah Lamrani – he has taken sides and expressed an opinion only

Moving Perspectives – Shafaqna Exclusive Interview with Salah Lamrani Support Salah Lamrani in his struggle :  May 30, 2016 SHAFAQNA – In order to bring you, our readers, closer to realities and truths, Shafaqna will conduct a series of…

The Scottish Parliament declares: ‘No ifs, no buts, no fracking’

Non-binding fracking ban signals ‘growing consensus that stopping climate change means we have to say no to new fossil fuels like fracked gas.’ by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The Scottish Parliament on Wednesday narrowly passed a motion…

As 1,000 Refugees Drown Under European Policies, Meet the Volunteers Who Are Trying to Save Lives

Up to 1,000 refugees are feared to have drowned in recent days while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. The United Nations say this marks one of the highest weekly death tolls since the migrant crisis began in 2014. UNICEF…

UNICEF ‘Alarmed’ at Refugee and Migrant Deaths in the Mediterranean

Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) expressed alarm at the number of migrant and refugee deaths in the past week in the Central Mediterranean, many of whom were believed to be unaccompanied minors.* In anticipation of a…

Another Europe is possible: closing plenary

John McDonnell, shadow chancellor Zoe Gardner, migrants’ rights activist Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary Caroline Hill, Young Labour chair

Another Europe is possible: opening plenary

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP Owen Jones, author and activist Clive Lewis, shadow climate minister Anthony Barnett, openDemocracy Sirio Canós Donnay, Podemos Neal Lawson, Compass

Anthony Barnett in conversation with Yanis Varoufakis

openDemocracy founder Anthony Barnett discusses DiEM25, Brexit and European democracy with Yanis Varoufakis. Recorded at the Another Europe is Possible event in London, 28 May 2016.

Preparations for a World Peace Congress in Berlin

“The World is over-armed and Peace is under-funded”. With these words from Ban Ki-moon the International Peace Bureau (IPB) is organising a World congress for Disarmament at the Technical University in Berlin from the 30th of September to the 2nd…

Close calls: We were closer to nuclear destruction than we knew

Jan Oberg writes: Leaders are very good at telling us that this or that group or country is a threat to us. And how good they are at protecting us citizens by their – military-based – “security” and “defence” policies. This…

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