

Jeremy Corbyn: I will not resign

In his Facebook page Jeremy Corbyn replies to the Labour MPs who yesterday expressed a no-confidence vote against him. In the aftermath of last week’s referendum, our country faces major challenges. Risks to the economy and living standards are growing.…

Two day summit of EU leaders on refugee issues

Here’s the joint statement released at the time 109 NGOs from networks across Europe met concerning EU and refugee issues. Joint NGO statement ahead of the European Council of 28-29 June 2016 NGOs strongly condemn new EU policies to contain migration…

Thousands Rally to Support U.K. Opposition Leader Corbyn as He Faces No-Confidence Vote

In London, thousands of people rallied outside Parliament to show support for opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, who faces a no-confidence vote amid a revolt within his own Labour Party after Britain voted to leave the European Union. Addressing supporters, Corbyn…

After Brexit, European Left calls for ‘massive political opposition’

‘What Europe needs more than ever to avoid a slide into a xenophobic, deflationary, 1930s-like abyss’ by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams In the tumultuous aftermath of the UK’s vote to leave the EU, the European left is…

Have a Chilcot Fourth of July

  This Fourth of July, U.S. war makers will be drinking fermented grain, grilling dead flesh, traumatizing veterans with colorful explosions, and thanking their lucky stars and campaign contributors that they don’t live in rotten old England. And I don’t…

UK: Act to Curb Xenophobic Attacks After Referendum

The authorities should take strong action to curb xenophobic attacks and abuse in the United Kingdom in the wake of last week’s European Union referendum, Human Rights Watch said today. Individuals from minority ethnic and religious groups and people of…

Gay Pride in London: welcome relief from EU troubles

A lot of humour, human rights, celebration of diversity and freedom, here are some pictures of the 2016 yearly Gay Pride Parade in London. We may be out of Europe but can still smile and get on with important social…

The struggle against FGM CESIE from Italy

The following is my interview with Soad Ibrahim of the Italian association CESIE which is engaged in opposing the brutal phenomenon of FGM. Milena Rampoldi: Which are the best strategies for opposing and ending FGM? Soad Ibrahim: It is difficult…

The Brexit shock. Now all is up in the air!

The UK, Europe and the rest of the world will be affected and there has been no planning for this anywhere. It’s now all up in the air but what this Brexit vote will be is a new starting point. All we…

Brexit won. Now for the real stuff

We woke up today to news of the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union. Sigh The Chinese have a curse: “may you live in interesting times”… The Comic Book Store guy from the Simpsons once said: “there is no…

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