

God is dead – Islamic Nihilism

God is dead This is what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his Aphorism 125 of the Fröhliche Wissenschaft. The consequences are a theology without God and believers without God. All this applies to Western philosophy – at least this is what…

Permission granted for judicial review into legality of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Media, Press Releases, 30 June 2016 By Campaign Against the Arms Trade High Court grants judicial review into arms exports to Saudi Arabia, following unprecedented case brought by Campaign Against Arms Trade Extensive evidence suggests Saudi Arabian forces have committed…

Is coup against Corbyn a plot to spare Blair from war crimes probe?

One politician posits that Labour Party leadership’s turn against Corbyn is a move to protect Blair from damning Chilcot [1] findings. by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams In the tumultuous wake of Brexit, why has the Labour Party…

Yanis Varoufakis on the European Constitution, Economic Disintegration and Orwellianism

In this video the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, provides us insights into why the European constitution does not represent European cititzens and lacks democratic substance. He also talks…

Austrian court overturns presidential election

Vienna, Jul 2 (Prensa Latina) Austrian Far right presidnetial candidate Norbert Hofer,said that if he wins he will cary out a referendum similar to the Brexit of UK, to leave the European Union. Hofer,leader of Freedom Party (FPO),he justified his…

Brexit is a disaster, but we can build on the ruins

This is a crisis of astonishing proportions, but also an opportunity for the changes the left has long sought By George Monbiot for The Guardian Let’s sack the electorate and appoint a new one: this is the demand made by…

DiEM25: building on the OUT for an inclusive IN

DiEM25 campaigned vigorously in favour of a radical IN vote. OUT won because the EU establishment have made it impossible, through their anti-democratic reign (not to mention the asphyxiation of weaker countries like Greece), for the people of Britain to…

Action bringing 100 refugees by plane to Germany has “failed magnificently”

Last Friday, 24th June, the German parliament rejected a request by Die Linke (left party of Germany) to abolish part of paragraph § 63 in the residence law which says that enterprises of transportation like airlines will be heavily punished…

Why is NATO irrational today

    The third article in TFF’s series “The New Cold War” Most people believed that the world would become a better place when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact collapsed a quarter of a century ago.  But instead…

As Britain exits, the need for a strong climate movement remains

By Kate Aronoff Britain’s vote last night to leave the European Union will be a disaster for the climate — both physical and political — on both sides of the Atlantic. Most obvious are all of the direct impacts Britain’s…

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