

“I’ve stopped speaking in Spanish on the streets after I was shouted at on a bus after Brexit”

Cristina has stopped calling her mother when she leaves work.  She would have to speak in Spanish on public transport and after the 23rd of June she prefers to avoid it.  The same day on which 52% of voters in…

Petrodollars v. Petroeuros. Not in Chilcot? It should be. We want a Conscientious Objector No War Tax Law

“We reported in Pressenza, in 2011 and 2014 the role that Saddam Hussein’s Oil-for-Euros may have played in the Iraq War… As it happened, some years back Saddam had moved his oil transactions to the Euro, [he had agreed after…

Chilcot’s judgment is utterly damning – but it’s still not justice

Little is more corrosive of democracy than impunity. When politicians do terrible things and suffer no consequences, people lose trust in both politics and justice. They see them, correctly, as instruments deployed by the strong against the weak. Since the…

Jeremy Corbyn: “I now apologise sincerely on behalf of my party for the disastrous decision to go to war in Iraq in March 2003”

Following today’s publication of the Chilcot Report on Britain’s role in the Iraq War of 2003, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party has apologised on behalf of his party that was in power at the time, and whose…

Damning Chilcot Report confirms Iraq invasion was Bush/Blair’s war of choice

“Military action at that time was not a last resort.” by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams “I will be with you, whatever,” former British Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged to U.S. President George Bush on July 28, 2002.…

Iraq War: Chilcot confirms Tony Blair must now be brought to justice

The Iraq Inquiry, also referred to as the Chilcot Inquiry after its chairman, Sir John Chilcot, is a British public inquiry into the nation’s role in the Iraq War and has been published today seven years (7) after it was…

From the institutional way to the integral revolution

The current international political context allows us to clearly see the serious limits to the possibilities of social change through institutional routes. On the one hand, the new left-wing political experiences in Latin America have had scant impact on actual…

​Russians Ask “Why Do You Demonize Us When We Are So Much Like You?”

By Ann Wright Photo of Russian kids attending a youth camp called Artek in Crimea. Photo by Ann Wright I’ve just ended two weeks visiting cities in four regions of Russia. The one question that was asked over and…

The Dutch & pharma policy: a groundbreaking Presidency

By Yannis Natsis, Policy Coordinator for Universal Access & Affordable Medicines @ynatsis Original article at epha, Universal Access and Affordable Medicines | Blog The Netherlands’ Presidency of the European Council proved to be far from quiet in relation to pharmaceutical…

The rats abandon the Brexit ship…to go make more money. Reconciliation anyone?

The main architects of the Brexit disaster have resigned, pretending to do so with “a heavy heart”. In reality once this new episode of Naomi Klein’s well described Disaster Capitalism was in full flight Tories Boris Johnson and Michel Gove…

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