

Next time I go swimming I might wear a good burkini

In the days of Berlusconi, people over here happened to feel ashamed of being Italian. These days, one may just as well feel ashamed of being European. Cannes, August 2016. The mayor of a world-renowned municipality comes up with the…

Labour Party’s proposals for education Education is a collective good that benefits all of us. But not everyone in our country has equal access to education. When Labour left office 71% of university students had gone to state school – last year that number…

A Duke dies, an anachronistic system lives on

The Duke of Westminster has died at the age of 64 a few days ago. It was widely reported in the Media, obviously, one of the richest men in the UK, a member of the aristocracy, as close to the…

Berlin holds ceremony to mark building of Wall in 1961

German students are often unable to differentiate between democracy and dictatorship, according to the director of the Berlin Wall Foundation. His remarks coincided with the remembrance of the wall’s 1961 construction. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller led a wreath-laying ceremony Saturday…

“We’re still here. We can still win.”

od-UK talks to some of the activists and supporters at the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest in Altab Ali Park, London. By Eleanor Penny 11 August 2016 for openDemocracy Over the past three years, the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has raged…

Britain faces prospect of post-Brexit recession

Britons across different industries are already feeling the effects of the Brexit vote. The construction sector has been hit particularly hard. Workers have been laid off. Samira Shackle reports from London. In the run up to Britain’s referendum on membership…

Kids Cafe at Calais Jungle under closure orders so what of the ‘kids’?

I’m a teacher and I volunteer at the Kids Cafe, a safe welcoming space for unaccompanied minors in the Calais Jungle. The cafe provides 200 meals a day, English and French classes, and asylum advice for the children here. But…

Ecuador to let Sweden question Julian Assange

Quito, Aug 11 (Andes).- Ecuadorian Attorney General notified Sweden it agrees to set a date to question WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for more than four years. Observing the terms established in…

The problem with Europe is the euro

by Joseph Stiglitz* In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams Europe, the source of the Enlightenment, the birthplace…

Russia’s weakness is its economic policy

According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, Russia’s economy would be far ahead of…

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