

French court deals blow to ‘burkini ban’ following widespread protest

By Sarah Aziza France’s “burkini ban” was dealt a blow today as the French high court overturned the controversial rule in the Riviera town of Villeneuve-Loubet. The decision came after a groundswell of protest in response to images of French…

Factory farming reforms proposed in Germany

Germany is home to 83 million people. But that isn’t the country’s total population: It’s also home to about 27 million pigs, 12.6 million cattle, and nearly 40 million egg-producing hens. Their lives are very hard. Many of these animals…

Jeremy Corbyn’s vision for Britain, as the voting for the Labour Party leadership begins

The Economy “Austerity is a political choice not an economic necessity”, he has stated. Former adviser to Bank of England among signatories to letter dismissing criticism of economic plans, saying they are ‘not extreme’. Jeremy Corbyn’s economic policies have received…

Ecuador expresses its concern for inadequate response to “serious incident” in its embassy in London

Quito,  Aug 23 (Andes).- The Ecuadorian government expressed Tuesday its concern for the inadequate response by British Authorities after the “serious incident” reported on the 22nd in the embassy in London, when a man attempted to get inside the building where…

Job automation threatens peoples’ livelihoods. Can universal basic income save the day?

Technological developments are rendering many jobs obsolete. Can implementing a universal basic income provide a way of managing the social and economic implications of such a radical transformation? By DARIAN MEACHAM for openDemocracy In early 2013, a colleague and I…

Growing protest against TTIP and CETA trade agreements in Germany

Various trade unions and other groups have called for protests against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) across Germany on September 17. A trade agreement with Canada has also come under attack. An alliance consisting of various public organizations…

Hinkley Point C: UK’s nuclear (rogue) white elephant

Hinkley Point C nuclear power station has been on the cards for more than 15 years to be built in Somerset, England by French state run EDF with the addition of Chinese capital. The cost has been spiralling up and…

Germany mulls bringing back compulsory military service

Berlin has said it’s considering changing its position on military conscription. The country is mulling new strategies to deal with possible security threats. Germany’s interior ministry is considering taking steps toward bringing back the country’s compulsory military service, which was…

Berlin, Germany: anti-war protest called for October 8th

Press release by German anti-war organisations. Down With Weapons!!! Cooperation Instead of NATO Confrontation, Disarmament Instead of Welfare Cuts – Nationwide Demonstration in Berlin / October 8th, 2016 The current wars and military standoff against Russia propel us into the streets.…

‘UK Officials Patrolling the Internet, on Road to Creating ‘Thought Police’’

Human Wrongs Watch 15 August 2016 (RT)* – We have activists who have been detained for saying that they would like to do something – not the fact that they had done something – and this is a worrying trend,…

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