

Preparing for power: Can Iceland’s Pirate Party change system from the inside?

Consistently topping the polls ahead of upcoming elections, Iceland’s Pirate Party have a real shot at power. If they do, they want to change the “ugly” culture of politics and create a society that honours people. By Phil England 13…

Militarism and the Young: Youth Gathering at the Disarmament Congress in Berlin

“In many ways the world we live in is unjust and inhumane, especially towards young people. Our social model is established on unlimited economic growth, the extensive use of natural resources, the predominance of capital, domination structures, patriarchy, competition, violence,…

Student protest blocks ethnic segregation plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Sarah Freeman-Woolpert Students in central Bosnia and Herzegovina return to school this week, but not with the usual nerves that accompany back-to-school season. This year, high school students in the small, medieval city of Jajce are returning with a…

British Minister criticizes business apathy over Brexit

London, Sep 10 (Prensa Latina) British businessmen have become ”fat and lazy”, more worried in playing golf than in profiting from the advantages after the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU) or Brexit, declared today a…

Britain & France Pledge to Build Wall at Calais Refugee Camp

Britain and France have pledged to build a “big, new wall” in the French port city of Calais amid an increasing crackdown against the refugees living there, many of whom are seeking to reach Britain by stowing away on trucks…

German government backs Deutsche Welle in Turkey dispute

German diplomats have spoken out after Turkey’s Youth and Sports Ministry confiscated a DW interview. Media and Culture Commissioner Monika Grütters has also made a strong public statement. On Wednesday, German Media and Culture Commissioner Monika Grütters received resounding applause…

UNHCR spokesman: EU must do more for refugee children

Children make up nearly half of refugees worldwide. DW’s Kathleen Schuster spoke with the UNHCR’s Babar Baloch about the perils that children face as refugees. Back in March – as the makeshift Idomeni camp on Greece’s border with Macedonia made…

Jeremy Corbyn pledges fracking ban, energy co-ops in green Labour agenda

‘We want Britain to be the world’s leading producer of renewables technology,’ he said in Nottingham, a proposed fracking site by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday introduced a green energy agenda “for the 60…

Jeremy Corbyn launches Energy and Environment policy

Jeremy Corbyn has today announced the boldest environmental policy of any major party in British history: “We will act to protect the future of our planet, with social justice at the heart of our environment policies. We will create a…

European right hails AfD success in German election

Right-wing populists in other countries have greeted the results of a regional German election, which saw an anti-immigration, anti-EU party take 20 percent. One says it’s a harbinger of a “patriotic spring.” Right-wing populists across Europe cheered the strong showing…

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