

‘Soldiers go home’ – Italians protest American base on US Election Day

Protesters against a US military base in Italy used firecrackers, with police responding with tear gas. Demonstrators rallied on the day of the US presidential election saying no matter who wins, American soldiers should “go home.” Up to 200 people…

Cyprus police rescue more than 120 stranded refugees

Police in Cyprus have rescued more than 120 refugees who were left afloat on a boat off the island’s northwestern coast. There were 42 children, 19 women and 62 men abroad the boat, which was towed by Cypriot rescue workers…

Turkey: “We are drifting towards a fascist dictatorship”

Interview with Erkin Erdogan, co-chair of HDK Berlin-Brandenburg, with the help of Peter Vlatten. This Monday several hundred people – men, women and children – protested once again in front of the Parliament in Berlin with the slogan “It’s enough”…

Jeremy Corbyn: we need a transparent, accountable Brexit

There is nothing more unpatriotic than not paying taxes, and we have spent too long allowing good employers to be undercut by those refusing to play by the rules. Yesterday, I addressed Class – the Centre for Labour and Social…

IPB to award Sean MacBride Peace Prize 2016 to Colin Archer

The Board of the International Peace Bureau is pleased to announce that the Sean MacBride Peace Prize will be awarded this year to our own Secretary-General Colin Archer, who since 1990 has served the organization with outstanding commitment and competence.…

Work makes you well? After ‘austerity’ comes complicity

This week the [UK] government announced new health and welfare plans to ‘help’ (or bully?) disabled and sick people. Why are the disability charities so quiet? By Peter Beresford 4 November 2016 for openDemocracy The original political rationale for cuts…

Anti-Brexit ruling gives surprise ‘victory for Parliamentary Democracy’

High court ruled government does not have unilateral power to withdraw the U.K. from the E.U. by triggering Article 50 by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams The U.K.’s High Court on Thursday ruled that only British Parliament can…

How to revitalise progressive politics in Brexit Britain

By Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25-Another Europe event at the LSE on October 8, 2016. Before the referendum DiEM25, our Democracy in Europe Movement, and Another Europe Is Possible, joined forces to argue the ‘IN the EU and AGAINST this EU’ line.…

Without the power of kindness, our society will fall apart

When we are vulnerable and estranged from each other we can be easily manipulated by demagogues, as can be seen in the US and Europe. By George Monbiot for The Guardian If there is an irrepressible human trait it’s the…

Spain’s ousted opposition leader reveals where the real power lies: with the country’s oligarchs

Spain’s deposed Socialist leader, Pedro Sánchez, revealed that banks and newspapers secretly pressured him not to do a deal with Podemos. By Luis Martín 31 October 2016 for openDemocracy Let Mariano Rajoy stay in power or bring on a third…

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