

Charges dismissed against journalists in Heckler & Koch case

A state prosecutor has been given a “slap in the face” by a Munich judge in an infamous illegal arms deal case. She dismissed his charges against journalists who released the documents they had given him to investigate. Press freedom…

DiEM’s Sunlight-Project as an Initial Ignition

Last Saturday the young DiEM25 Movement walked a thin line in Berlin. It should have been the first countrywide meeting of the movement in Germany. Due to time bottlenecks the project is threatened with failure. The meeting was announced only…

Today, Pope Francis Issued the Catholic Church’s First Statement on Nonviolence—Ever

By Rev. John Dear Today, Pope Francis released the annual World Day of Peace Message for January 1, 2017, called “Nonviolence—A Style of Politics for Peace.” This is the Vatican’s fiftieth World Day of Peace message, but it’s the first…

Romanian left return to power in triumphant comeback

A year after leaving office in disgrace, the Social Democrats scored a victory in parliamentary elections. With no clear candidate for prime minister, however, political uncertainty may continue in Bucharest. One year after exiting the political scene amidst scandal and…

German Bundeswehr to train Saudi army officers

Germany is about to strike a deal to train Saudi Arabian officers. While the Defense Ministry says such programs are completely normal, it also admits that the Middle Eastern monarchy remains a “difficult” partner. Germany is expanding its military cooperation…

EU wants states to return migrants to Greece

The EU executive has recommended member states resume returning migrants to Greece next year. The aim is to restore the Dublin accord which fell apart due to Athens’ money troubles and an influx of people seeking asylum. The new policy…

Jeremy Corbyn: Labour will fight against the rise of the populist right

This weekend I went to Prague to meet with other socialist and progressive leaders from across Europe to discuss how, together, we will combat the rise of the populist right. The populist right are political parasites feeding on people’s concerns…

Support, sarcasm after Merkel calls for banning burqas

Populist politicians have reacted with skepticism to Angela Merkel’s endorsement of a ban on face-covering garments worn by some Muslim women. The Christian Democrats once again made her their candidate for chancellor. Angela Merkel attacked Germany’s right-wing populists Tuesday –…

‘Don’t Put Refugees in the Hands of Those Wishing to Turn Them into Scapegoats’

The United Nations refugee agency on 5 December 2016 proposed far-reaching reforms of Europe’s management of refugees, including the asylum system, recalling that scenes of chaos at borders last year led to a breakdown in the public’s trust in the…

Italian referendum: NO to the dictatorship of finance!

What do Brexit, Trump, and “NO” in the Italian referendum have in common? Simple: all three repudiate  omnivorous global finance! The very finance that sadistically destroyed Greece according to the precept “punish one to educate a hundred”. By ravaging Greece beyond all rational…

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