

First retrospective of the #CivilMarchForAleppo

On the 8th day of their March through East Germany heading for Syria, the Civil March for Aleppo reflects: “We’ve had a very difficult and demanding week. Last night was going to be equally challenging: it was supposed to be…

2017 Seen as Turning Point for Liberal Democracies

By Jorge Valero |* Western democracies will be further challenged next year, as populist parties are expected to make gains in Europe, while China and Russia increasingly set the global agenda, taking advantage of a US withdrawal. When the Soviet…

Finland to test ‘universal basic income’ for the unemployed

A group of 2,000 unemployed people in Finland will receive a basic income every month from the state, tax-free and with no strings attached. Proponents hope to prove such schemes boost people’s motivation to find work. Starting in January, 2,000…

Civil liberties versus law enforcement – hackers debate in Hamburg

Can the state collect the data of its citizens in the name of security? Can citizens encrypt their data to combat such an intrusion? Europe’s largest meeting of hackers debates the issues. It is unusually dark in the Hamburg Congress…

Kazakhstan Offers Astana As Venue Of Syrian Peace Talks

By J Nastranis NEW YORK- IDN  In a major move ahead of joining the UN Security Council as its non-permanent member on January 1, 2017 for two years, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has offered the Kazakh capital of Astana as the…

France/UK: Lone Children From Calais Left in Limbo

The government of the United Kingdom should make full use of all existing laws and regulations to accept transfers of unaccompanied migrant children currently in France, Human Rights Watch said today. The government of France should ensure that unaccompanied migrant children on French territory have full access…

Dijsselscrooge: Greece attacked for paying Christmas bonuses to pensioners

Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s salary as the Netherlands’ Finance Minister is over €170,000 p.a. This is more than 212 times as much as the best off of those Greek pensioners whom he is determined to deprive of their Christmas bonuses.  by Steve McGiffen…

The End of a Cycle ?

By Roberto Savio Is the demise of Matteo Renzi really a local affair? There is no doubt that a referendum on a constitutional change can be a matter of confidence in him, having personalized the issue to a point that…

Opposition lawmakers in Poland block parliament to protest media rules

CPF 17/12/2016  Opposition lawmakers in Poland sang the national anthem and chanted ‘Free media’ in protest at planned limits on journalists. Work on the state budget was blocked for several hours. The protest was the first of its kind in the…

German churches call for new law on arms exports

The two main churches in Germany say a new German law on arms exports is needed, especially those to non-EU countries. They highlighted the frequent gap between declared political principles and actual practice. Germany’s Protestant and Catholic churches on Monday…

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