

London: Hundreds protest against immigration raids

On Saturday more than 500 people marched through Peckham, London with LGBT+ and migrant communities to protest immigration raids and mass deportations. The march was led by Peckham-based asylum seekers and featured speeches from South London migrant groups and local…

Anti-Trump protests in London and all over the UK

On Monday 20th February The British Parliament debated whether or not to allow Donald Trump a state visit, after the invitation extended by the Prime Minister Theresa May when she visited Washington DC just 7 days after Trump’s inauguration. 1.8…

Thousands call on Spain to welcome more refugees

Tens of thousands of people joined a protest in Barcelona urging the Spanish government to increase its refugee intake. Only 1,100 migrants have been resettled under a plan to take in 17,000 people. Protesters heeded a call by Ada Colau,…

The Civil March for Aleppo reaches Vienna

The Civil March for Aleppo is a civil movement that goes all the way through Europe, along the refugee trail, heading for Syria. It is a solidarity initiative that at the same time encourages the participants to become active for…

Berlin: Change from below – A city for everybody

In Berlin, a broad alliance of local initiatives took to the streets for social housing and self-determined organisation of the city by its inhabitants. Students of the Humboldt University of Berlin initiated this demonstration. What is exemplified by this demonstration…

Jeremy Corbyn for refugees and against Trump’s visit to the UK

“My first act as Labour leader was to speak in support of refugees” Jeremy Corbyn declares in his Facebook page. “I will never turn my back on another human in need. Never. Donald Trump should not be welcomed to Britain…

Desperate Refugees, Migrants in Serbia Face Freezing Temperatures

Human Wrongs Watch – By Josie Le Blond* BELGRADE, Serbia, 25 January 2017 (UNHCR)*  – Refugees and migrants wanting to leave an unsanitary, improvised shelter in Belgrade are being transferred to emergency accommodation opened recently by the government outside the city.…

The East Side Gallery in Berlin should become a living Monument to Joy

Despite the fact that the East Side Gallery is a listed historic monument, it is deteriorating and becoming increasingly hemmed in. The main reason is that private interests are placed above public land rights and the law. People from all…

London is forced to concede that Syria is a democracy

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 27 JANUARY 2017 The British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson, has indicated that his country should no longer oppose President Bashar al- Assad’s right to stand at the next Syrian elections. He conceded that this new…

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Irene Halford. Today commemorations to mark one of the darkest chapters in modern history take place across the world. The coordinated plan of different actions (engineered by the Nazi regime) aiming at annihilating the European Jewry known as the…

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