

Calais Migrant Camp Closure Drives Refugees To Paris Streets

By Melissa Chemam* Note: This article is being reproduced courtesy of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s online Journal ‘International Politics and Society’ published on March 7, 2017 with the headline Refugees Welcome? PARIS (IDN-INPS) – Since the destruction of the informal…

Redefining cash-free shopping in Berlin

Have you ever thought of shunning the consumer dream? In Germany, it might not be that difficult. It’s just a matter of finding the right key, as Tamsin Walker found out on a shopping trip with a difference. I’m not…

Gender issues in the Ukraine

By Milena Rampoldi and Denise Nanni for ProMosaik Interview with Tamara Martsenyuk of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. Tamara Martsenyuk holds a PhD in Sociology and her research interest focuses on the social structure of society and, particularly, on…

Varoufakis and De Masi clash with ECB on transparency

Greece’s former finance minister to hold a press conference on Wednesday, March 8, with German MEP to announce filing a vital Freedom of Information request to the ECB. Did the European Central Bank (ECB) act within its mandate when it…

UN’s 1st ‘Playable’ Policy Conference on Global Development

By Rita Joshi BERLIN | BONN (IDN) – Inspired by innovative and forward-looking concepts, the Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development, the first in a series of annual forums to help achieve the United Nations-led Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)…

Thousands march in London to defend the National Health Service

250,000 people have marched in London today to protest against further funding cuts to health service and social care and the potential privatization of the NHS, threatened by £20 billion of cuts required by the government by 2020. It was…

UN experts censure Germany for ‘Crimes against Africans’

By Jutta Wolf for InDepthNews. United Nations experts have strongly criticised Germany for “crimes against Africans and people of African descent” adding that they are “deeply concerned about the human rights situation of people of African descent” in the country.…

Success as German bank divests from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) was one of 17 banks to have invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. The highly controversial pipeline, which is destined to transport oil obtained by fracking across the North American continent is a threat to the…

Civil March for Aleppo changes route, passes next through Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Press release 1.3.2017 Civil March for Aleppo On March 4th, the Civil March for Aleppo will cross the border between Slovenia and Croatia. The peace march for Syria has so far traversed more than 1,000 kilometres by foot through different…

Argentinians in Spain consider Macri to be ‘persona no grata’ in Madrid

In a ‘Manifesto’ issued on February 21st an association of Argentinians in Spain has criticized the reception offered to Argentine President Mauricio Macri by the State and local authorities of Madrid. Enrique Borcel (President of the Spanish-Argentine Council) said, “due…

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