

Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

On May 24th  WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors. They opened the rally…

Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story

By John Pilger Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed…

The mysticism of wide open eyes

By MICHAEL EDWARDS for openDemocracy How does spirituality connect to social change? Three months before his death from pancreatic cancer in 1994, the British playwright Dennis Potter was interviewed for the BBC by broadcaster Melvyn Bragg. In obvious pain and…

Britain would have been safer with Corbyn in charge

David Morrison 18 May 2017 for openDemocracyUK Jeremy Corbyn consistently voted against wars of choice that Britain could have refrained from taking part in, now regarded as strategic failures, promoting, not reducing, international terrorism. In a tirade against Jeremy Corbyn…

Sweden drops investigation of WikiLeaks’ Assange, but threats in US, UK Remain

UK police say they can arrest Assange if he leaves embassy, while AG Sessions said his arrest is ‘priority’ by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Commons Dreams Though Julian Assange’s advocates welcomed the news Friday that Swedish prosecutors dropped their seven-year…

Dark money is pushing democracy in the UK over the edge

By George Monbiot for The Guardian We urgently need new rules to prevent the capture of our politics by billionaires and corporations and their secretive funding How is this acceptable? A multimillionaire City asset manager has pledged to spend up…

Tour of Standing Rock native defenders in Europe

From May, the 20th to June, the 20th 2017 Several European citizen’s movements and organizations are currently organizing a tour in Europe for Standing Rock native defenders and their allies who oppose the DAPL pipeline and other fossil fuel projects…

Leave Russia the Блядь Out of U.S. Scandals

In Moscow earlier this week I mentioned to a Russian friend that racists in my town in Virginia were chanting fascist and confederate slogans plus “Russia is our friend!” He replied: “But we never had slavery; we had serfdom.” He…

Britain: Labour platform would tax the rich, expand social programs

In Britain, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Tuesday rolled out his party’s manifesto ahead of a general election set for next month. The platform proposes raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest 5 percent of earners. The revenue would…

Rome Resists!

Tuesday May 23rd  19:30 Piazza Bologna, Rome #UnitedWeStand At the end of May, Donald Trump, President of the United States, travels to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, and Belgium. These past months Trump has caused outrage all over the world: he is dividing…

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