

Basic Income Congress brings together the actors necessary to implement it

By Álvaro Orus and Mayte Quintanilla. One of the greatest achievements – compared to previous editions – of the 17th Basic Income Earth Network world congress that took place in Lisbon has been the way that basic income has been…

Celebrating a milestone: Russia completes the destruction of chemical weapons stockpile

Dr John Hart for SIPRI. On Wednesday the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü of Turkey, congratulated Russia on completing the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpile which originally totalled 39 967…

Schäuble leaves but Schäuble-ism lives on

By Yanis Varoufakis for DiEM25. Wolfgang Schäuble may have left the finance ministry but his policy for turning the eurozone into an iron cage of austerity that is the very antithesis of a democratic federation, lives on. What is remarkable…

Bernie Sanders is most popular politician in the US – and why Jeremy Corbyn will win in Britain

Canadian author and activist addresses Labour Party convention in the UK by Naomi Klein for Common Dreams The following is the full transcript, via the UK’s Labour List, of Naomi Klein’s speech delivered at the Labour Party’s annual convention on…

DiEM’s ‘Greek New Deal’ presented in Patra – Greece’s third-largest city

DiEM25 and its co-founder Yanis Varoufakis were well received in the city of Patra in Western Greece. The “Royal” theatre was packed with people who were keen to hear about DiEM25’s “New Deal for Greece”. In his speech, Yanis noted…

Nuclear warhead delivery to Scotland

Press release from the UK campaign group Nukewatch. A nuclear weapons convoy with four warhead  carriers  left Burghfield early on Monday September 25th taking the M4 and then the A34 around Oxford. It went onto the M40 and stopped mid-morning…

Ada Colau asks the EU for help to mediate the conflict between the governments of Catalonia and Spain

Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona, sent a letter to 27 mayors of European Union capital cities, explaining the serious situation that Catalonia is going through after the interventions by the Spanish government, understanding that what is happening goes beyond a…

Shredding ‘failed dogmas of neoliberalism,’ Corbyn charts bold new vision for UK

The British Labour leader also slammed Tories’ austerity agenda and Prime Minister Theresa May’s “disdain for the powerless and the poor” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams In a rousing speech at the Labour Party’s annual conference in…

Don’t let the rich get even richer on the assets we all share

By George Monbiot for The Guardian It’s time for communities to seize back control of resources upon which their prosperity depends Are you a statist or a free marketeer? Do you believe that intervention should be minimised or that state…

London: First woman statue for Parliament Square

The square opposite the Houses of Parliament will have next year a new statue, the first of a woman to accompany statues of Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Churchill, also the first designed by a woman, to celebrate 100 years of…

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