

Open the islands – No more dead from cold

Solidarity groups and organizations call for urgent action as winter is coming for refugees in Greece. Over 40 solidarity groups and organizations are calling for urgent action from the Greek local and national authorities to prevent more refugees from dying…

How to humanise the dehumanised: journalism for peace and nonviolence

Pressenza Workshop at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. What is the engine of discrimination and dehumanization? Can it be stopped or reversed? What are the lessons learned by people that study and work on…

European Central Bank made almost €8bn from Greece’s financial crisis

The European Central Bank (ECB) has profited handsomely from its holdings of Greek government debt, according to a document seen by the Financial Times. A written response to a request from a Greek MEP showed the bank collected €7.8 billion…

Catalonia: without independence but with dialogue

Catalonia suspends its declaration of independence. On the 10th of October 2017, Catalonia could have achieved a dream that generation after generation have been demanding as the right of a people, of a culture for more than 300 years. Something…

How Labour could lead the global economy out of the 20th century

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The rupture of 2008 presents a chance to throw out our iniquitous system that busts the planet – here are some ideas We are still living in the long 20th century. We are stuck with…

Romania’s dangerous slide into illiberalism

By Bogdan Gradinaru for DiEM25. The map above depicts countries where gay marriage is recognized (dark blue), where it is confined to a civil union (light blue), where it is not recognised (red) and where the issue is, well, a…

Susi Snyder, ICAN: “This is a chance to put the human first!”

During the meeting for the 2017 Golden Doves for peace event, held in Rome on October 10, and now in its XXXIIIrd edition, we had the honour of meeting Susi Snyder, member of the International Steering Board of ICAN, this…

Exposed: The role of Big Finance in ECB decisions

By Jane Chelliah for DiEM25. A new report by the European Corporate Observatory shows how international financial corporations hold 98% of the seats in the expert groups that advise the European Central Bank (ECB). In other words: a ton of…

Third International Symposium: Big History and Global Evolution

In the framework of the International Congress Globalistics 2017, organized by the Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow Lomonosov University, the Third International Symposium on Big History and Global Evolution was held from 26 to 28 September. Promoted by the…

The potential of human consciousness

Presentation by Fulvio De Vita, Member of the “Salvatorre Puledda” Centre of Studies*, in the Third International Symposium ‘Big History and Global Evolution’. Good morning everybody. First of all, let me thank the Eurasian Center for Big History and Forecasting,…

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