

Why Martin Luther King’s trip to Tyneside still matters 50 years on

Brian Ward, Northumbria University, Newcastle : The Conversation While controversy about the removal of Confederate memorials in the US rumbles on, in the north-east of England, plans to honour one of the US South’s most famous sons are coming to fruition.…

Austrian Elections: The Crisis of Europe Continues

By Roberto Savio The Austrian elections show clearly that media have given up on contextualising events. To do that, calls for a warning about Europe’s future, as a vehicle of European values is required. Europe has been weakened by all…

Demonstration for the liberation of Cuixart and Sànchez, dignity in front of totalitarianism

By Enric Feliu, Images by Esperanza Fernándes, Daniel Cruz and Krystyna Schreiber “The streets will always be ours”. This is the slogan that resonated on Paseo de Gracia [Barcelona] this afternoon, from the throats of hundreds of thousands of people who…

In Milan, a Demonstration of Solidarity with LGBTQAI persecuted in Egypt

On Wednesday October 18, approximately 60 people gathered in Milan’s central San Babila Square for a demonstration of solidarity organized by Il Grande Colibrì and Coordinamento Arcobaleno. They denounced the Egyptian authorities’ current persecution of sexual minorities and Italy’s sales…

The environmental disaster that doesn’t make headlines

When we talk about environmental crises these days, we tend to emphasis global warming (aka ‘climate change’). Even if this is a vital topic, we shouldn’t lose sight on other environmental concerns — like the health of our planet’s seas.…

A day that European ideals bleed

By Aleksandar Novaković for DiEM25. The brutal political murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia (53) mother of three, has shaken the European political scene. Caruana Galizia’s work highlighted cases of alleged corruption among Maltese government officials. Known for her…

Forbidden to vote, demonstrate or think: Enough is enough!

Catalonia is experiencing a political catastrophe with repercussions in all areas of society. Mariano Rajoy is preparing the ground to sow Article 155 based on a policy of lies. The last few months have seen the utmost tension in Catalonia,…

Tribulations in Catalonia: the empire strikes back

Diary of a mere mortal in Catalonia Tuesday, 17th of October, 2017.  Just when it seemed that the impasse was breaking; a short pause to allow everyone to take a breather…  Shazam!  The Spanish government imprisons two of the leaders…

Referendums get a bad press – but to fix Britain, we need more of them

By George Monbiot for The Guardian  Voting once every five years alienates us from politics. Participatory rather than representative democracy would allow us more say in how we run the country You lost, suck it up: this is how our…

Jeremy Corbyn: “Yes, Labour is threatening to destroy the current economic model”

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking at the Cooperative Party Conference last Saturday has touched many important topics about national and international politics. The complete text can be read here. Here are some of the most significant passages of…

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