

Ada Colau: Not in my name

By Ada Colau [1] Talking so much about the train crash on conditional or in the future, it is hard to assimilate that today is the day. A decade of neglect of the Popular Party in Catalonia ends up today…

Journalists on strike in Greece – Pressenza strikes in solidarity

Greek journalists have just finished a 2 day strike; the 4th such strike within a year. Journalists and editors went into media silence on Tuesday and Wednesday this week with the idea that no news should be broadcast via the…

UK activists not guilty after trying to disarm fighter jets headed for Yemen

Activist Sam Walton and Rev Daniel Woodhouse have been acquitted after breaking-in to BAE Systems factory to ‘disarm’ Typhoon fighter jets. BAE’s Typhoon fighter jets are being used by Saudi-led forces in the ongoing bombardment of Yemen The UK has…

Italy’s parliamentarians spearhead efforts to ratify ban treaty

More than 200 Members of Parliament from most Italian parties have signed the ICAN parliamentary pledge and thereby committed themselves “to work for the signature and ratification” of the nuclear ban by the Italian Government. Italy is now well-positioned to…

Look to Sheffield: this is how state and corporate power subverts democracy

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The city’s trees and residents are the victims of a Kafkaesque PFI deal between council and contractor One of neoliberalism’s promises was that it would free us from bureaucracy. By rolling back the state,…

The significance of personal relations between young people for Peace building

Interview with Prof. Lothar Krappmann by Arthur Kisitu Prof. Lothar Krappmann, before retiring, was a researcher on child development at the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin, Germany and was for many years an expert in the UN commission of the Rights…

Not to be forgotten: refugees still need us

By Aris Telonis for DiEM25. Winter is coming and the most vulnerable populations will experience it the hardest. Especially refugees, who are essentially trapped in misnamed “hotspot” camps throughout the Greek islands, living under cruel conditions with scant medical and…

Czech Republic shifts to the right

The Czech Republic held parliamentary elections last weekend. Members of our DiEM25 local group (DSC) in České Budějovice recommended a vote for the Greens and Pirates, because these parties have been broadly supportive of DiEM25’s programme and activities in the…

The European Parliament is a democratic façade — it needs the right to initiate and pass legislation

We built DiEM25 to crush the authoritarian and anti-democratic dogma of Euro-TINA; that There Is No Alternative to the current version of the EU. Not often does our mission receive support from Brussels, the capital of the ailing EU. But…

Huge march in Berlin “against hatred and racism”

A huge march took place on Sunday in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin to protest against hatred and racism in Parliament, while the recently elected legislators of the nationalist and anti-immigrant party, Alternative For Germany, prepare to take…

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