

US American and European activists join to face the global escalation of the refugee crisis

This Tuesday a public discussion took place in the Heilig Kreuz Kirche in Berlin with several NGOs and faith-based groups from the USA and Europe, that subscribed to a joint declaration in 2016 as an answer to the global escalation…

Tell Giro d’Italia: “Don’t Pedal for Israeli Crimes!”

Starting the race anywhere under Israel’s control will serve as a stamp of approval for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.  Would Giro d’Italia have considered starting a race in apartheid South Africa in the 1980s? By Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and…

Chancellor misses a golden opportunity to raise money by tackling tax avoidance in the [UK] Budget

Tax Justice UK PRESS RELEASE | 22 NOVEMBER 2017 For immediate release Philip Hammond could have taken decisive action in today’s Budget to increase the amount of government funding available to support increasingly over-stretched public services, but he chose not…

Greece: As Winter Nears, Asylum Seekers Stuck in Tents on Islands

The Greek government, with the support of EU member states, should act now to end Greece’s “containment policy,” 20 human rights and aid groups said today. The policy forces asylum seekers arriving on the Greek islands to remain in overcrowded,…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence to start in 2019

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence was announced during the Conference for Nonviolence that took place between the 15th and 18th of November in Madrid, Spain.  It is scheduled to start on the 2nd of October 2019 (International…

Tax campaigners hand Prime Minister petition with 208,000 signatures in wake of Paradise Papers

PRESS RELEASE | 20 NOVEMBER 2017 For immediate release Contact: Will Snell, Tax Justice UK / +44 (0)7928 858882 / Tax campaigners hand Prime Minister petition with 208,000 signatures in wake of Paradise Papers Tax Justice UK, the country’s…

Poland, Forum for the Future of Culture Manifesto: Let Us Get Together!

Forum for the Future of Culture 18th and 19th of November 2017,  Powszechny Theatre, Warsaw In the autumn of 2016, this slogan brought together nearly three thousand participants of the Congress of Culture. We met up in Warsaw and talked about culture in…

Norway May Divest $35 Billion from Fossil Fuel Holdings

The fossil fuel divestment movement got a major boost on Thursday when the Norwegian government announced it is considering selling off $35 billion in oil and gas stocks. Norway would become by far the largest entity to join the divestment…

Brexiters, beware: if the ties that bind us unravel, tyranny may soon follow

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Public projects such as the NHS, BBC and social security define us as a nation. Without that cohesion, authoritarianism could flourish.  So what is this country we are asked to love? This might once…

George Orwell at the BBC

I cannot think of anything more ironic than the content of the article published in The Guardian on November 7th : “George Orwell returns to loom over BBC” stating that an Orwell statue has been unveiled at the BBC’s studio…

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