

Madrid to host the European Humanist Forum, May 11, 12 and 13, 2018

What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation Ten years after the Milan Forum, European Humanists have relaunched an initiative to bring together diverse organisations and movements from around the old continent, and beyond, in a demonstration of convergence to…

LGBTs in Pakistan: Final Sprint for “Allah Loves Equality”

Italo-Pakistani director Wajahat Abbas Kazmi and Elena De Piccoli, both activists for the association Il Grande Colibri, have finished shooting the documentary “Allah Loves Equality”, which will take us inside the thoughts and real life of Pakistani homosexuals, and transgender…

Cyprus: “Without reconciliation there will be no reunification in this island”

Tijen Erol and Merobe Bobbe Theoklitou are both from Cyprus. Since 1974, Cyprus is a divided country so one of them lives in one side and the other one lives in the other side of the island. They are both…

Jeremy Corbyn calls on Carillion directors to hand back their bonuses

“Labour leader says failed firm’s executives ‘should not be paid anything at the present time because they have run the company in such a way that all these jobs are at risk’. Jeremy Corbyn has called on the directors of failed…

The PFI* bosses fleeced us. Now watch them walk away

by George Monbiot for The Guardian When contracts fail, the legal priority is still to pay firms like Carillion. Money is officially more valuable than life Again the “inefficient” state mops up the disasters caused by “efficient” private companies. Just…

Largest Dutch pension fund ABP to divest from nuclear weapons

The largest Dutch pension fund, the civil servants fund ABP, has decided to end its investments in producers of nuclear weapons. ABP has “finally made the right decision”, says PAX campaigner Krista van Velzen. “After years of campaigning by PAX…

Tribulations in Catalonia: a wedding and several funerals

Diary of a poor mortal in Catalonia. Saturday, December 23, 2017. Once again we have returned to vote. How good democracy feels! Now all that is missing is that there are no politicians imprisoned or charged for being in favour…

Study on Municipalism in Spain for RLS-NYC

By Vicente Rubio-Pueyo, A few months ago, I had the honor of being commissioned by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-NYC Office for writing a study on Municipalism in Spain for their publication series. It was released yesterday and it can be downloaded…

The Right wins in Catalonia, but nationalists will form the government

Franco’s youth wing, Ciudadanos (Citizens), prevailed in the Catalan elections called after the Spanish government dissolved the autonomous government after its unilateral declaration of independence. With a very high turnout of almost 82% of the electorate, Citizens obtained 25.48% of…

Stephen Hawking joins lawsuit aimed at foiling UK’s government NHS shake-up

Stephen Hawking is joining a legal action aimed at questioning yet another set of changes in the NHS [the UK’s National Health Service] which like most previous ones it is feared will lead to greater privatisation and rationing of resources.…

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