

The problem with teaching ‘British values’ in school

By The Conversation: Carol Vincent, UCL and Myriam Hunter-Henin, UCL Amanda Spielman, head of Ofsted, claims British values are being “actively perverted” by religious extremists. In a recent speech, she suggests extremists are using schools to: Narrow young people’s horizons,…

Women’s vote: 100 years and a long way to go

The UK celebrates on Feb 6th 100 years since the Representation of the People Act 1918 gave the vote to (some) women in Britain, those over the age of 30 and meeting certain property qualifications. It also gave the right to…

Almost 50 years of equal pay legislation – but the waiting continues for women

Tricia Dawson, Keele University for The Conversation It will take 217 years for women to achieve equal pay, at the current rate, according to the World Economic Forum. So we can expect many more stories of women earning far less…

What’s behind the European Humanist Forum logo? Solidarity, hope, peace, tolerance and creativity

The European Humanist Forum 2018 will take place in Madrid on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May and is an initiative incredibly organised 100% by volunteers who not only have the difficulties of daily life to resolve before applying…

Nuclear disarmament: an avalanche of local authority motions for Italy to reconsider

We spoke with Lisa Clark, an Italian pacifist with a great track record, among many other things co-president of the International Peace Bureau; we interviewed her as Italian coordinator for Mayors for Peace, one of the international organizations that are…

French electricity company proposes to close nuclear reactors from 2029

The French electricity generation and distribution company, EDF, today proposed the closure of several nuclear power plants from 2029 onwards as part of a new long-term energy strategy. Speaking to journalists, Philippe Sasseigne, head of the company’s nuclear division, defended…

British austerity policies lie at heart of soaring homelessness and related health harms, argue experts

Science Daily reports on a British Medical Journal article by Mark Fransham and Danny Dorling at the University of Oxford calling for action on welfare reform and the housing market. “The number of people officially recorded as sleeping on the…

Jeremy Corbyn unveils radical plan to help the homeless: buy them homes

“Figures this week showed homelessness has risen for the seventh year running. Unlike the Conservatives, Labour will not stand by as people sleep rough on our streets.” by Common Dreams staff In an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr on…

Britain’s military: costs of failure, symbols of vanity

By PAUL ROGERS 26 January 2018 for openDemocracy The real security threats to the United Kingdom come not from Russia but from climate change, inequality and marginalisation. A much publicised speech on 22 January by General Sir Nick Carter, chief of…

A ‘Minister for Loneliness’ is a sticking plaster for the ills of neoliberalism

By PETER COVILLE 22 January 2018 for openDemocracy Is loneliness the price we pay for an ideology that privileges individual freedom and ‘choice’ above the collective and communal; that sees attachment to others as an obstacle to the pursuit of profit?…

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