

Julian Assange And His Doppelganger

By Denis A Conroy, Walking along Hans Crescent every morning on my way to work, I stop briefly to look up at the balcony fronting the room which Julian Assange occupies in the Ecuadorian Embassy. I’ve been passing his place…

71 Dead. And still no arrests? How come? Grenfell still burning

On 15/2/18 three billboards were paraded through central London . Inspired by the film Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, the protest took the three lorries around London, making significant stops by the Houses of Parliament and St Paul’s Cathedral. Background “The Grenfell…

Brexit and Its Discontents

By Jake Lynch, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. Of the many people down the years who’ve delightedly come across this well-known aphorism by the…

Jeremy Corbyn: nationalize, democratize electricity grid to avert climate crisis

[UK] Labour Party leader calls for ‘radical’ action to help avert climate catastrophe by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said making the nation’s electricity grid publicly-owned is the best course to “put…

Paris: Jean-Luc Mélenchon meets Tomás Hirsch

The humanist deputy [Member of Parliament] of the Chilean Broad Front [Frente Amplio], Tomás Hirsch, met today in Paris with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Sabine Rubin and Alexis Corbière, deputies of the France Insoumise caucus, in the offices of the National Assembly.…

Meeting Hirsch -Pisarello: “We are the alternative to the rise of the extreme right”

Gerardo Pisarello, first deputy mayor in Barcelona, ​​received Tomas Hirsch as an elected humanist member of Parliament  for the Frente Amplio in Chile. With the interest of establishing links between the related political forces of the European landscape, last Thursday,…

How a GM giant ‘bought control’ of what millions of Londoners read

By JAMES CUSICK and CRINA BOROS 8 February 2018 for openDemocracy (see reference pictures in the original article) The Evening Standard’s lucrative deal with Swiss chemical giant Syngenta shows how commercial giants pay for news – with readers left in the…

Not guilty verdict for 4 campaigners against the London Arms Fair Sep 2017

According to the Newham Recorder four anti-DSEI (Arms Fair) campaigners have been found not guilty by a Magistrates Court. The newspaper article states that “District Judge Hamilton today dismissed the case against the three women and one man accused of…

Trump attack on the UK NHS: mudding the waters for profit

Trump has used a demo that has just taken place in London demanding proper NHS funding to campaign against universal health coverage in the US. He tweeted “The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching…

Julian Assange Loses Initial Bid To Overturn British Arrest Warrant

By Mike Head, A judge in London yesterday rejected an application by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to withdraw a British arrest warrant issued against him in 2012. In a judgment full of obvious contradictions, she ruled that way even though…

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