

How Facebook data was used to influence US elections (and Brexit?)

New reports reveal how pro-Trump firm Cambridge Analytica ‘exploited’ Facebook to harvest data of 50 million users “This story is a devastating tale of how personal data and massive, unaccountable technology platforms combined with malevolent political interests to subvert the…

Jeremy Corbyn and other voices of reason over the UK nerve gas incident

A Russian father, former double spy convicted in Russia and exchanged by Britain for other spies, and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury. Preliminary assessment suggests a nerve gas agent. The government has jumped to accuse…

Of A Type Developed By Liars

by Craig Murray, 16/3/18. originally posted here I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve agent as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of…

The UK can’t truly celebrate International Women’s Day until women are equal with each other

Nilufar Ahmed, Swansea University for The Conversation International Women’s Day 2018 has the theme “press for progress”. It is a “strong call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive”. In the…

Putin’s State of the Union

The military/security complex and the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony have proved sufficiently powerful to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. If push comes to shove, how can any country hosting US ABMs, US nuclear weapons, and US military bases…

Blockchain Will Upend Big Medicine

Posted on: Monday, February 26th 2018 at 1:45 pm Written By: James Grundvig The original article, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018, can be found here. Here are GreenMedInfo Re-post guidelines Translated into Italian in two parts: here and here  …

Europe’s big Plans for Iran Trade announce Independence from Trump’s Washington

France, Belgium, Italy and other European countries are setting up state-backed Euro-denominated investment and trade pipelines that avoid US currency and banks. Italy alone is planning to invest $5 bn in Iran. By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Feb. 26, 2018…

Smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn: apologies, he’s not a spy

Both The Sun and The Daily Mail published articles claiming Jeremy Corbyn was a paid informant of the Czech secret police in the 80s at the height of the Cold War, as reported by former Communist spy Jan Sarkocy . Mr…

Frederick Douglass: the ex-slave and transatlantic celebrity who found freedom in Newcastle

By Brian Ward, Northumbria University, Newcastle for The Conversation When President Donald Trump spoke at a breakfast to launch black history month last year, he gave the impression that he thought Frederick Douglass – the most eminent African American leader…

Brexit between the lines: plot to ditch EU safety standards on food and drugs

A document uncovered by Greenpeace’s investigative unit (published accidentally by the Initiative for Free Trade) has revealed “a drive to lobby ministers to ditch strict EU safety standards in order to secure a US trade deal is being drawn up by a…

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