

Young people are leading a growing movement against low pay and precarious work

Wil Chivers, Cardiff University; Helen Blakely, Cardiff University, and Steve Davies for The Conversation Strikes have taken place at McDonald’s and TGI Friday’s restaurants across the UK in recent months. These strikes are the first of their kind in the…

Germany. Teachers say NO to the union of armed forces and schools

The banality of evil. Classrooms and courtyards converted into barracks; parades, choirs and bands of students and soldiers; training, coexistence, history, foreign languages and gymnastics classes with generals and admirals; guided tours of bases, radar installations and military airports; study…

Criminalisation of solidarity, Hungary at the forefront

Hungary, ruled by Viktor Orban’s racist right wing, has always distinguished itself for its anti-immigrant policy (just think of the barbed wire barrier built in 2015 on the border with Serbia), but those who oppose it are now being harshly…

Corruption ends Rajoy’s term and puts socialist Pedro Sánchez as president

With 180 votes in favour and 169 against, the Spanish Parliament has kicked Mariano Rajoy out of the Moncloa [Parliament] and elected the socialist Pedro Sánchez. Sánchez becomes president of the government after a no confidence motion, an intelligent and…

Don’t be afraid, believe in your inner voice and try

Alex Ross dedicates herself to writing and creative painting. She writes about the little beauties and the great evil of everyday life. She collaborates with the electronic magazine Neue Debatte and participated in the European Humanist Forum, recently held in…

Facing legal challenge, Tories hint about scrapping some NHS reforms – but remain wedded to privatising ‘solutions’

by TOMMY GREENE 25 May 2018 for openDemocracy [UK] The effects of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act are now too disastrous to ignore. But Jeremy Hunt’s shift is of rhetoric, not of substance – .and his new “ACO”…

We have to unite because the enemy is always united

Daniel Cruz is a specialist in Communications, European activist, trade unionist, member of DiEM25 in the local group in Barcelona and Pressenza collaborator. He took part in the European Humanist Forum, recently held in Madrid, as a speaker at the…

The Brexit likely side effects they did not tell you about

In the post-truth/fake news era nobody gets surprised that a dirty tricks campaign for Brexit resulted in a number of threats now facing the UK´s new trade deals. Here are just some of them: Revealed: rightwing groups plot to ditch…

LANDSLIDE: ‘Quiet Revolution’ as Ireland ends abortion ban

by Common Dreams staff  Ireland, one of Europe’s most socially conservative countries, has voted by a landslide to liberalize the world’s most restrictive abortion laws. Votes are still being counted Saturday but both sides agree with exit polls showing a…

Jeremy Corbyn in Belfast: Irish peace

‘This week marks twenty years since the Good Friday Agreement referendum. “Yesterday, I spoke at Queen’s University, Belfast, about the need to revive the spirit of the Agreement and prevent the return to a hard border, to protect peace and…

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