

A respectable result for the Sovereign Money Initiative (Vollgeld-initiative)

Despite the campaign of confusion and fear run by our opponents and the misinformation provided by the Federal Council and the Swiss National Bank, an estimated 26% voted for the Sovereign Money Initiative. This is a respectable outcome and shows that…

Belgian banking group to divest from nuclear weapons

In a raft of new measures in the fields of environmental policy, human rights and arms-related activities, the Belgian banking group KBC announced on Friday the 8th of June that it “will also regard nuclear weapons as controversial weapons. Companies…

[UK Media] Osborne’s Evening Standard ‘cash for column inches’ denials ‘do not stack up’ – says Caroline Lucas

By JAMES CUSICK 2 June 2018 for openDemocracy Green Party leader calls on London paper to ‘come clean’ about its hidden commercial agendas – citing another lucrative sponsorship deal with GM giant Syngenta. In the wake of our damaging revelations about…

The best way to save the planet? Drop meat and dairy

Whether human beings survive this century and the next, whether other lifeforms can live alongside us: more than anything, this depends on the way we eat. We can cut our consumption of everything else almost to zero and still we…

“Home”, a poem about immigration written by an immigrant

We publish below the beautiful poem “Home” by Warsan Shire, a young British woman of Somali origin. No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark you only run for the border when you see the whole…

Swiss referendum may change the way money is created in the economy

by Stan Jourdan, for Positive Money Europe* On June 10, Switzerland will be the first country to hold a nationwide referendum on “sovereign money”. Emma Dawnay, board member of the Swiss campaign explains how citizens would benefit from this proposal.…

Why the EU should dismantle Facebook

Felix Arndt, De Montfort University for The Conversation.  Facebook recently announced that it will add a dating app feature to its offering. This will join its portfolio of messaging, event marketing, blogging, instant photography, gaming and a digital marketplace, to…

India and Russia are testing nuclear missiles: Where is the global outcry?

A new nuclear arms race has begun and it does not revolve around the number of weapons, but on increasing their deadliness. Recent nuclear missile tests by India and Russia show that nuclear-armed states are blatantly flaunting their nuclear power,…

Markets: The enemy shows its face

Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a…

Women’s March Italy statement on the newly formed Italian government

Women’s March Italy will keep a spotlight on the work of the new Italian government. We wish them success in serving ALL members of Italian society. We will not allow steps backward on civil and human rights- especially for women,…

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