

Big Demo to defend 70 yr old UK national treasure: its Health Service

“Cuts leave scars” The UK NHS (National Health Service) is 70 years old. In spite of the onslaught it is suffering in the form of austerity and privatisation it continues to provide one of the best services in the world…

Winds of Change: Spain’s Role Towards a Nuclear-Free World

Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director for ICAN addressed diplomats, students and activists at a lecture organised by Madrid’s Complutense University on Wednesday, 27th of June.  Here we publish the full text. Thank you for having me here today and for the…

Spain: Why would a country that has banned biological and chemical weapons not ban nuclear weapons?

This was the question posed this week in Madrid by Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN to parliamentarians, mayors, international diplomats, students and activists from a range of civil society organisations during a packed two days of activities in the…

From bath bombs to spy cops – why cosmetic store Lush took on the police

By Kelly J. Stockdale, York St John University for The Conversation The cosmetic store Lush has been at the centre of a scandal after it featured prominent window displays with police tape and “cop/spy” posters. [see poster on The Conversation…

The Carnival of Resistance: Trump not welcome in the UK

By Stop Trump In 2017 a coalition of organisations and individuals joined forces to protest against Donald Trump’s planned visit to the UK. Their letter to the Guardian called his presidency dangerous and divisive and committed to organising one of…

The sky is not falling for the “not last” Yanomami

Review of the book “The Falling Sky” A book titled The last of the Yanomami was published in Turin in September 1984. On the cover appeared the subheading “a dive into prehistory”. At the time I had already spent four…

Why Spain could and should Ban the Bomb

This week ICAN Executive Director Beatrice Fihn visits Spain to promote the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, with meetings planned with Spanish members of parliament at a national and regional level who have signed the Parliamentary Pledge in…

Fake news: Russia dog execution image actually shot in Pakistan

A picture circulating online of an alleged dog cull in Russia actually depicts Pakistan, during an attempt to reduce the number of stray animals on the streets of Karachi in 2016. Ahead of the World Cup there were fears that…

Anti-Brexit protest: 100,000, perhaps many more, demand a say

The People’s Vote demonstration in London culminated with speeches in Parliament Square.  On the second anniversary of the EU referendum and following public awareness of lies, manipulation and interference from economic and political interests via social media during the pro-Brexit…

Political figures support Beatrice Fihn of ICAN – Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Dozens of elected officials from various political groups have signed a document in support of ICAN’s campaign to promote the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn,…

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