

Refugee journey through the Balkan route: a crisis no more?

12-18 November 2018 TATE LIVERPOOL Tate Exchange Liverpool Royal Albert Dock  Explore the stories of migration and the refugee crisis in Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece This project raises questions about the lived experiences of refugees on the Balkan Migration Route…

Rome’s Mamiani secondary school: we want a politics that puts people first

The occupation of the Mamiani secondary school in Rome has just come to an end. We talk to Giacomo of the Mamiani Collective. Where did the idea of writing the letter, published by us a few days ago, come from?…

Launch of the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence at the 2nd World Forum of Peace Cities in Madrid.

On 7 November from 6pm to 8pm in the Auditorium of the Casa del Reloj at the Matadero Cultural Centre, the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence will be launched. This action will start on October 2, 2019, International…

XVIII Symposium Universal Basic Income

Los días 26 y 27 de octubre se desarrolló, en la sede de Barcelona Activa, el XVIII simposio de la Red Renta Básica. En él se pudo exponer los aspectos básicos de esta propuesta, así como aspectos más técnicos, políticos y sociales. Tal como se indica en la propia web, “La renta básica universal puede ser la clave para conseguir una sociedad más igualitaria donde se garanticen unos ingresos vitales y la libertad de toda la ciudadanía”.

A protest and a dream from the occupied Mamiani secondary school

We, the students of the Mamiani secondary school, have today decided to launch a protest. It is an appeal to the State, to citizens and above all to our fellow students who have been seeking a change in Italian politics…

British people want final say on Brexit, 700,000 say so

Photoreportage by Giovanna Lorusso The March called to demand a final say on the Brexit deal, now descending into chaos has given people some hope that the thoroughly incapable Tory Government dominated more and more by the right wing of…

Hungarian Government shifts to high gear in the persecution of vulnerable groups

Press release of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee on the persecution of homeless people. The Punitive State: if you can’t solve it, ban it! Whenever there’s public dissent or the government finds no solution to a social problem, governments of the Fidesz…

Ecuador to partially restore Julian Assange’s access to communications and visitors

In a statement issued Sunday, WikiLeaks announced that the Ecuadorian embassy in London has informed its publisher Julian Assange that it intends to partially restore his ability to use the Internet and phone services, and receive personal visitors. Ecuador, on…

Indivisible – 240,000 demonstrating for solidarity instead of exclusion in Berlin

The call of #unteilbar (indivisible) is that: “We will not allow the welfare state to be played off against asylum and migration. We will stand in resistance when fundamental rights and freedoms are in danger of being further restricted. They…

Paul Grüninger, the Swiss police officer whose reputation was restored after being condemned for saving hundreds of refugees’ lives

The recent arrest of Mimmo Lucano, the mayor of Riace, for “aiding illegal immigration” offers us another example of the ancient dilemma that pits law against justice. A dilemma at the heart of the Greek tragedy Antigone, it has emerged…

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