

Swedish pension fund to abandon nuclear weapons investments

Today Sweden’s fourth national pension fund company, AP4, announced via a press statement that it is to divest from firms involved in the production of nuclear weapons, such as Airbus, Boeing and Raytheon.  In June last year, AP4 had more…

How the yellow vests are reinventing French politics

Last weekend, 50,000 people flooded the streets of France for the first protest of 2019 organized by the yellow vests, or gilets jaunes. This protest is a continuation of a national movement for economic justice that has shaken the country since…

Could we force politicians to tell the truth?

By DAVID MOUNTAIN 13 January 2019 for openDemocracy Politics is pre-truth not post-truth. Does the regulation of advertising provide some answers? It’s a truism that politicians lie.  Even politicians themselves half-acknowledge this fact: they are, in their own words, ‘terminologically…

Corporate media smears WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

A number of corporate media outlets have begun the year by publishing scurrilous and derisive attacks against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. The coverage has the character of a coordinated political campaign, with the most sinister motives. Its aim…

PM Orbán’s much-awaited press conference: “The government cannot comment on business affairs.”

Prime minister Viktor Orbán held a press conference Thursday morning, making good on his July promise to answer questions by journalists before the end of 2018. In a way, he did. Today was a rare opportunity, as Viktor Orbán does…

Japan’s desperate need for migrant workers a warning for the UK

Caroline Nye, University of Exeter for The Conversation Japan brought in a controversial new labour policy at the end of 2018 which will open up blue-collar jobs to workers from countries such as Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. The…

Hungarian protests call for general strike and a regime change

The wave of protests that started in December resumed last week with several smaller protests all over different towns of Hungary culminating in a larger demonstration in Budapest on Saturday.  Not long before Christmas, the Hungarian Parliament passed the Overtime…

From Demonstration Effect to Revolution?

For the past eight weeks, the people of France have been mobilizing every Saturday in demonstrations in small and large cities throughout the country, and in smaller groups at roundabouts and tollgates, from where they’re making their grievances and demands…

Amparo Sánchez Rosell: The value of dialogue and the role of women in society

Valencian by birth, Muslim, Honorary President of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Valencia, Honorary President of the Citizens’ Platform against Islamophobia and businesswoman behind the Balansiya restaurant. We met Amparo for a delicious Andalusian meal at her restaurant Balansiya. We…

Good Cop/Bad Cop: The US and Russia Show

By Dan Corjescu —January 8, 2019 There may have been a time when the US and Russia were serious geopolitical rivals. That time has long since passed. Now, the two “nations” (elite controlled entities masquerading as a res publica) play the…

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