

Ukraine: US arms sales making big business money while ordinary people pay the price

Liana Semchuk, University of Oxford for The Conversation Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine is the equivalent of pouring kerosene onto a flame. But ongoing hostilities between Ukraine and Russia – including the Kerch strait crisis, which began late last year…

French army receives authorization to shoot “yellow vest” protesters

Yesterday, the governor of the Paris military district told France Info that soldiers of the Operation Sentinel counter-terror mission had been authorized to fire today on the “yellow vests.” Asked about whether soldiers were capable of carrying out law enforcement…

More than a million people march in London to stop Brexit

News in Pictures. Photographs by Anna Swinden for Pressenza. Prime Minister Theresa May is under fire for the debacle and chaos created by her inability to establish effective Brexit negotiations, alienating in the process Parliament and a great part of…

How the media let malicious idiots take over

By George Monbiot  for The Guardian Be it Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage, blusterers and braggarts are rewarded with platforms that distort our political debate. If our politics is becoming less rational, crueller and more divisive, this rule of public life…

Ending austerity: make tax fairer and more transparent

Kate Pickett, University of York and Richard Wilkinson, University of York To end austerity and make the economy work better for the whole country requires transforming the tax system. It is time for the UK to have a grown-up, national…

Brexit. When are we going to stop distracting ourselves with the “kingdom of the secondary?”

By Jon Swinden The issue from the beginning has been democracy. Real democracy vs formal democracy.  About the referendum result. 48% to 52%. A day before, a day after, before lunch or after lunch? Any statistician worth his salt would…

Brexit Britain’s weakness exposed in US trade deal documents

Michael Plouffe, UCL for The Conversation The US has published its objectives for a proposed trade agreement with the UK – and its thinking highlights just how weak Britain’s bargaining position will be in the post-Brexit global economy. The US…

The BREXIT Saga in the Ides of March

Last night the British Parliament affirmed its decision to take the Brexit process into its own hands, a saga which for too long has divided the population and deeply affected the economic and social well-being of the country. In consecutive…

Cracks Found in Nuclear Reactor That Could Lead to the Full Evacuation of Edinburgh and Glasgow

Edinburgh Live – TRANSCEND Media Service The Hunterston B reactors in Ayrshire are the oldest in Europe, and dangerous cracks have been found. 8 Mar 2019 – Bottom of FormThe two reactors at Hunterston B nuclear power plant near Ardrossan…

Theresa May loses another Brexit vote – is it time she just gave up?

Chris Stafford, University of Nottingham for The Conversation With just over two weeks to go until Brexit, Theresa May has once again failed to get her Brexit deal through parliament, leaving complete uncertainty about where the nation goes next. May…

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