

When the next crisis hits, progressives must be ready to seize the agenda

In 2008 progressives lacked a coherent and compelling alternative to neoliberal policies. This time it must be different. Carys Roberts 9 May 2019 for openDemocracy “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the…

The IV Latin American Humanist Forum began today in Santiago de Chile

The Latin American Humanist Forum is an instrument of information, exchange and discussion among people and institutions belonging to the most diverse cultures of Latin America. It is a permanent activity, so that all relevant information circulates immediately among its…

What should British universities do about benefits received from past wrongs?

Steven Greer, University of Bristol for The Conversation The University of Cambridge has embarked on a project to discover how it may have contributed to, and benefited financially from, slavery. This venture follows hot on the heels of a similar…

Climate emergency: turning words into action

The UK Parliament became the first in the world to declare a climate and environment emergency this May Day. What next? A declaration of climate emergency has been a long time coming. Too long. There is frighteningly little time left…

Daniela Padoan, candidate to the European Parliament: I rebel against the humiliation and violence suffered by every living being

Social and environmental justice, the fight against poverty, migration, eco-femminism, disarmament and climate emergency. We discuss these and other things with Daniela Padoan, writer, journalist and activist who is standing for the European parliament elections with ‘La Sinistra – GUE/NGL…

May 3, World Press Freedom Day: The Assange case

“Press freedom is the cornerstone of democratic societies. All States, all nations, are strengthened by information, debate and the exchange of opinions. At a time of growing discourse of mistrust and delegitimization of the press and journalism, it is essential…

UK: Westminster Abbey nuclear weapons thanksgiving service CND protest

By Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CNDUK CND is horrified at the Royal Navy’s plan to host a National Service of Thanksgiving to mark 50 years of the so-called ‘Continuous At Sea Deterrent’ (CASD) nuclear weapons operation in Westminster Abbey. It…

Bavarians Vote to Stop Extinction

The world is in the throes of an extinction crisis unlike any throughout paleoclimate history, aka: the Sixth Mass Extinction, keeping in mind that the normal “background rate” for extinction is 1-to-5 species gone per year. But, what if it’s…

‘Activism Works’: UK Parliament Makes History in Declaring Climate Emergency

“Now we must act on it” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Update: The U.K. Parliament made history on Wednesday by becoming the first to declare an environment and climate emergency. MPs in the House of Commons passed the…

A shameful bureaucratic development in 2016

(This is the translation of a story originally published by Greek national daily Efimerida twn Syntaktwn (EFSYN) on 17 March 2019) In May and June of 2016, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) carried out a survey in Turkey for…

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