

UK Prime Minister leaving, but she did the job she was brought in to do

Theresa May tearful resignation has produced a number of conflicting reactions. There is the “poor May” faction, claiming she was given an impossible job: to deliver Brexit in a country and political parties split down the middle, and throwing in…

Humanist Party campaign event in Madrid: “We need to build a new model of society”.

Representatives of the candidates for the European, local and regional elections share their proposals “There are many issues to deal with right now, but it is essential to understand that this system has failed and that we need to build…

Julian Assange: The Missing Step

In Sweden, prosecutors have applied to the Swedish courts to issue a warrant for Julian’s arrest. There is a tremendous back story to that simple statement. The European Arrest Warrant must be issued from one country to another by a…

European elections, migrants and the far-right

Hundreds of Europeans ‘criminalised’ for helping migrants – as far right aims to win big in European elections Claire Provost Claudia Torrisi Nandini Archer Alexander Nabert Belen Lobos  18 May 2019, openDemocracy Elderly women, priests and firefighters among those arrested, charged or ‘harassed’ by police…

Paris joins the ICAN Cities Appeal

May 17, 2019 The City of Paris has become the first French city – and the second capital city of a nuclear-armed state – to support the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons. Paris has endorsed the ICAN…

UK: Welfare Cuts Mean Families Go Hungry

Government Policy Failings Exacerbate Food Poverty, Violate Right to Food  Government cuts to welfare over the past decade have resulted in tens of thousands of poor families in England left without enough food to eat, a clear breach of the government’s duty…

Refugee journeys on the Balkan Route: denunciation and solidarity

It has been an intense few days of events about migration on the Balkan route. It starts on Wednesday the 15th of May with the opening of the exhibition ‘Refugee journeys through the Balkan route(s): a crisis no more?” in…

One of Europe’s last migrant rescue ships defies political pressure to save lives

By Susan H. Smith At the height of the Syrian refugee crisis in 2015, there were 14 migrant rescue ships operated by international humanitarian organizations in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Today, following the ascendance of right-wing governments and draconian measures…

London Demo:’Stop Arming Israel, Stop Bombing Gaza’

Thousands March in London Demanding Justice for Palestinians. “Palestine has the right to exist but sadly that is a right that is increasingly threatened. Palestinians should be able to live free from ever expanding settlements on stolen land.” by Jake Johnson,…

An Urgent Need to Advance Peace

By Dr Marina Caparini, Senior Researcher and Director of the Governance and Society Programme at SIPRI. Her research focuses on peacebuilding and the nexus between security and development. STOCKHOLM, May 10 2019 (IPS) – Let us be blunt: the world is…

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