

NATO simulates nuclear war in Europe

Meanwhile, the information and the danger in which we live are hidden from us by governments. In secret manoeuvres in Germany and Holland, NATO is conducting simulations of what a nuclear war in Europe could look like, as revealed by…

Assange in Court

I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening. Before I get…

Extinction Rebellion protest in London continues despite ban. Journalist George Monbiot arrested

Despite the ban on demonstrations and the eviction of Trafalgar Square camp, London, the protest of Extinction Rebellion does not stop but rather expresses itself in new and creative ways. The ban has been widely criticised. “If opposing the climate…

A million anti-Brexit protesters march on London streets demanding a People’s Vote

“More than a million protesters crammed into the streets of central London to fight for a second EU referendum as Boris Johnsonsuffered another humiliating defeat, say organisers. Aerial footage showed extraordinary scenes as throngs of people marched from Park Lane…

Guido Dalla Casa: we need to go beyond the way of living of industrial civilization

Guido Dalla Casa is an Italian scholar and essayist active in the ecologist movement promoting a radical critique of the current system. What are the main points of your critique and your proposals for change? The most significant points: We…

General Strike in Catalonia as Barcelona is Burning

By Countercurrents Collective A general strike has been called in Catalonia on Friday, marking the end of a week of protests following the ruling of Spain’s Supreme Court on Monday. The court sentenced nine Catalan pro-independence leaders to jail for…

Extinction Rebellion targets arms industry: Disarm to Decarbonise

XR Peace has today joined with other anti-arms trade activists to stage a day of action targeting key players in the polluting, oppressive arms industry. At 8am, XR Peace activists glued and locked themselves onto the doors of Leonardo UK’s…

London Bans All Extinction Rebellion Protests, But Direct Actions Continue

The city of London has banned all Extinction Rebellion protests and cleared the protest encampment at Trafalgar Square, after over 1,400 people were arrested in eight days of mass demonstrations demanding urgent action to address the climate crisis. On Monday…

Fire in Samos Refugee Camp

Last night there was a fire on the island of Samos, a fire that ripped through the temporary homes of human beings living in ‘the jungle’, the overfill space relied upon to house men, women and children in a Reception…

Spanish nationalism loses the plot

The English nationalism unleashed by Brexit is not the same as the Spanish nationalism unleashed by the Catalan crisis. Not yet. Ignasi Bernat and David Whyte for openDemocracy 14 October 2019 Imagine if what just happened in Spain, happened here. Imagine…

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