

Fantomas of the White Man Rage On in Bolivia and Chile

The genus attributed to Fantomas (Phantoms) has European roots. The great-great-great grandchildren of Europeans push their harm forward from the North American Continent, and their relatives in South America do not want to give up their power or their privileges…

Gilets jaunes: one year on, how ‘yellow vest’ movement has changed French citizens’ lives

Elise Lobbedez, EM Lyon for The Conversation Often perceived as disorganised, scattered and even violent, France’s “gilets jaunes” movement has taken many by surprise with its staying power. A year into the movement, which began on November 17, 2018, many…

UK election 2019: partisan press is pulling out all the stops against Labour

David Deacon, Loughborough University and Dominic Wring, Loughborough University for The Conversation The idea that there’s no such thing as bad publicity could well be tested in the UK’s 2019 election campaign. So could the proposition that the only worse…

The Rise of Coalition Governments in the European Union

By Rachel Urbano As Spain navigates itself through a deadlock election, it seems coalition governments have become the new normal within the European Union. Prime examples are neighboring Portugal and not too distant Italy, all within Southern Europe. Upon the…

Event for the signing of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Yesterday afternoon, in the crowded lounge of the Peace Boat, anchored in the Port of Piraeus, Pressenza’s documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons“ premiered in Greece in the presence of journalists and activists. The importance of the…

Spanish elections: “we’re all going to hell”

The bitter taste of the defeat of possible progress. The Spanish Socialist Party has won the elections again, but has lost seats, its faithful have not supported it. Podemos, the left-wing alternative to governing with PSOE, still lost more seats.…

Demonstrations from abroad of support, encouragement and inspiration for Chile

Al over the world there have been demonstrations in support of the rebellion in Chile, fuelled by the core tiredness of the people of having their basic rights played with by the same elite that has accumulated and concentrated the…

A historic day for Berlin, when will the Chilean people be able to celebrate the triumph of their revolution?

Thirty years ago, on 9.11.1989 the Berlin Wall fell after a peaceful revolution of the citizens of the DDR. There was no military intervention. On the eve of this historic day, many people gathered in the “East Side Gallery” a…

[UK] Concerns over ‘foreign interference’ as India-linked Hindu nationalist group targets Labour candidates

Campaigners linked to Indian prime minister Modi’s BJP say they’re targeting 48 Labour-Tory marginals, also prompting fears of heightened ethnic tensions. Sunny Hundal for openDemocracy Activists directly linked to India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, have vowed to campaign…

Fracking: how the police response is threatening the right to protest

Will Jackson, Liverpool John Moores University for The Conversation The UK government has announced an immediate moratorium on fracking. The decision came after new scientific analysis concluded it was not possible to “rule out future unacceptable impacts”. Opponents of the…

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