

France: In defence of a dignified retirement

Text and photos: Josefina Dowbor-Muśnicka One year after the peak of the Yellow Vests, the French decided to go to the streets and make themselves heard. This Thursday, December 5, France experienced the beginning of an unlimited interprofessional strike. According…

Labour Party spending plans supported by 163 leading economists

During the UK election campaign the incumbent Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been criticised for repeatedly telling lies, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for presenting an unrealistic set of economic policies. The latter criticism has now been debunked by a…

COP25: Alternative Climate Summit Honors Those “Suffering the Crimes of Transnational Corporations”

We broadcast from Madrid, Spain, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP25, began Monday and will continue through next week, as environmental leaders from around the world gather to negotiate global solutions to the climate crisis. Activists…

Thousands of workers march in France

By Countercurrents Collective A countrywide union strike against pension reform has brought transportation across France to a standstill. Thousands of workers marched in what has been described as the largest protest of its kind since 1995. The protest dwarfed the…

Greece: Camp Conditions Endanger Women, Girls

Women and girls face relentless insecurity in Greece’s overcrowded Moria “hotspot” for asylum seekers and migrants on Lesbos island, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing a video that shows the dire conditions. The Greek government should take immediate action to ensure safe, humane conditions…

Five Lessons for Journalism in the Age of Rage– & Where Lies Travel Faster Than Truth

By Karin Pettersson The news-media industry has long lamented how the digital revolution has broken its business models. Today, a majority of digital advertising money goes to Facebook and Google, and media companies are struggling to reinvent themselves through digital…

NATO’s 4th Crises: The 2 Per Cent Goal as Defense Illiteracy

By Jan Oberg Political NATO’s London Summit on December 3 and 4, 2019 displays the deep political crisis of the 70-year-old alliance: Only a dinner and a short meeting, no statement to be issued, quarrels among the leading military members, accusations, substantial…

Quo vadis East Side Gallery?

Despite its enormous popularity, the East Side Gallery has been neglected, left to decay, and hacked into pieces, parts sold off and the rest declared a dead museum piece. This work of art and the symbol it represents for the…

Malta Prime Minister Resigns amid Probe of Journalist’s Murder

In Malta, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has announced he will resign in mid-January, amid the investigation into the murder of prominent investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was killed by a car bomb in 2017. Joseph Muscat: “I will write…

Ukrainegate’s Failures

By David Swanson The weaknesses of Ukrainegate are on display in a new book by Neal Katyal (“with Sam Koppelman”) making the case for Ukrainegate, but titled “Impeach: The Case Against Donald Trump.” It’s not, of course, the case against Donald…

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